Mr Soots gave his wife a sullen look before leaving the room with multiple dolls. "Sorry you had to walk in to this. It's hard living with a mummy's boy." She glanced from girl to girl. "I assume you want to ask me something?"

"We wanted to visit Eddie. You know, who lives at Grimmauld?" Natalie replied.

"Yes, I know him. I'll go with you, I don't trust the other muggles living in that street. Wait a second, I'll get my bag." Mrs Soots' heels made clacking sounds as she went to get it.

     "That went easier than expected, thought she would interrogate us or something," said Lyra, relieved.

"Don't cheer too fast, it's only step one that's complete." Natalie commented.

     "You're such a party pooper, Nat," whined Zayna making her niece roll her eyes.

"I was raised by the twin in suits, not the one who somehow wears flowing dresses during the winter."

     "Got it," announced Mrs Soots, walking in with a black handbag. "We can go now."

Grimmauld Place was luckily just two blocks away, so walking there was the first option. The Clarke family lived at number thirteen, they were an ordinary muggle family who, like most thought the numbering of the houses to be a humorous mistake. Mrs Clarke was a woman on the older side, having big brown curls with streaks of grey, almond shaped hazel eyes, bronze skin and full lips. Mr Clarke was the complete opposite to her, he was younger and taller with big vibrant blue eyes, neatly styled dirty blond hair and had broad shoulders.

     Eddie was the perfect mix of them, having the same blond hair as his father, but hazel eyes like his mother and moderately tanned skin. He was tall, handsome and (most times) well mannered for a muggle in Lyra's opinion. Zayna seemed to really like him too, although Lyra didn't feel the slightest attraction to him she understood why.

"Nat, Lyra, Zayna it's good to see you," he greeted them. "Sydney, you look so beautiful today. That's to expect with you. What is it you use?"

      Mrs Soots gave him a very unimpressed look and answered kindly, "Aloe vera, and by the way, I'm still happily married with two children."

"Well, divorce happens every so often." He grinned stupidly at Natalie.

     Mrs Clarke smacked him on the head. "My son's just kidding, always been the joker. Come in." she invited them inside their spacious home.

Without even entering another room, Eddie grabbed Natalie's hand and dragged her upstairs, the others followed them. His room was different than the boys rooms Lyra had seen. Those were extremely green from Slytherin posters or horribly orange from Chudley Cannon posters. His room had more neutral colours, all kinds of posters, drawers, a tv and some sort of electric device.

"Ed, you need to stop flirting with my mother."

     "She's incredibly hot," he said, closing the door.

"And thirty seven," Zayna added.

     "Age is just a number," he lectured.

"Of course, and prison is just a place," said Natalie sarcastically. Like Azkaban? Don't they have names for their prisons? Muggles are weird.

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