Chapter III - Too Conspicuous to Hide

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I chuckled as I took a step down the edge of the windowsill. "I've done a lot of insane things in my life, but I have to say, this one definitely takes the cake."

Teetering at the edges of the elaborate rooftops, I dexterously maneuvered and parkoured my way downwards the humongous castle.

'No big deal.' I gulped. 'We've done this plenty of times before! What's the difference of five hundred meters?'

I looked down at the castle grounds below. The people are so far they look like ants. I rubbed my eyes. Apparently, the difference was a lot.

I grasped a statue of a golden dragon to prevent my dizzying self from falling. I was initially worried that this body would not follow me through, but so far, it has always obeyed everything I did. Even as I face the threat of death by falling, the body screams the sentence 'This is fine,' urging me to finish what I started.

But the best part about it is how light and good it feels. 'Ah, what a joy to finally be relieved from the pain.' I internally sobbed as I held my lower back. 'Seriously, fuck school.'

I looked at one of the body's pretty hands. It was wounded and stained by its own blood from my tantrum, but it's still so powerful. I could barely feel the pain from it. I clenched it tight and got back to climbing down.

"Your Majesty?!" A shocked maid who was passing by a corridor instantly spotted me when I jumped down another roof.

"Your Majesty..." I repeated what she said. The voice was deep and melodious.

It feels surreal. To think that I'd actually transmigrate to an unknown world similar to the novels Yumi used to shove into my face. And it seems I hit the jackpot with the way how that servant addresses me. Why am I a man though...? I admit I'm a bit tomboyish but this is just too much.

I felt the body's abdomen. Well at least I can definitively guess that His Majesty for one, is hot. Well maybe. I haven't seen this body's face in the mirror yet. He could still be a butter face. LOL.

I brought my finger to my lips to quiet the maid. If I'm her master, then she should know when to keep her mouth shut.

The maid frantically bowed down in understanding and hurriedly left the scene.

That was bad. I covered myself with the white and golden-embroidered shawl I took with me. It's still very eye-catching, but it was the least sparkly among everything else in the room. It came from the set of robes I've been wearing since I woke up. So it won't be a hindrance, I took them off and wore the least attention-seeking shirt and pants I found as well. I say that, but it's also because I didn't know how to wear the other fancy-looking clothes inside the closet.

"Now then." I scoured my surroundings and spotted the high castle walls. "Once I get down, how am I going to pass through that?"

"Halt. What do you have there?"

"Ah, this is..." I felt the wagon stop at the castle's back gate by the imperial guards. 'Come on, mister coach man! Show them your powers of bullshitry!'

I clasped my hands and sincerely rooted for him from the inside of my barrel. 'Come on! Remember the deal we had earlier!'

"Is that the fresh batch of apples?"

"Yes sir." The coachman got down from his wagon and bowed towards the stable master. The stable master pulled aside the wagon's curtain and confirmed the contents.

"Good. Leave them in there and you may leave." He pointed towards a warehouse and left. Creeping carefully, I stealthily went down from my hiding spot and followed the coachman inside.

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