Eating was painful. Each swallow felt as if I were shoving food through a way too narrow, tender ring of bruises. I managed half my cereal before giving in to the worsening ache.

Sam joined me a half hour later and I waited with him while he ate. It was time to leave after he was done rinsing his bowl in the sink.

Dean continued to ignore us in favor of sleeping as we hurried past, exiting into another dim gray morning. The drive to school was filled with music from the radio. At the parking lot, I noticed Edward's Volvo but no sign of the vampire himself. Part of me was relieved not to have to deal with him, but I was disappointed too—which made me question how close I was getting.

I had exited the truck, wondering if I was too compromised to see clearly, and was gathering my bag when I turned and found myself face to face with the smallest of the Cullen clan. I took a startled step back.

Despite my reaction, she boasted a smile that shone in her eyes, making them the color of warm, sunlit honey. "Hi. I'm Alice." Her voice was as lilting and musical as her brother's. I wondered if it was a vampire thing.

"Um, hi." I could feel Sam's curious stare as he climbed out of the cab.

Alice's gaze fell to my neck, and I stiffened. "I thought you might need this," she went on in the same friendly manner, either oblivious to the tension radiating off me or ignoring it. She held up her hands.

Folded across her the white palms was a beautiful scarf. The red and black fabric shimmered even in Fork's dim light.

"It'll look cute with your jacket," she added. She inched her hands and the scarf towards me. "Here."

Bemused, I lifted the offering and blinked at the way the fabric slid across my skin. Silk. "This looks really expensive."

Alice shrugged. "I haven't worn it. It's not my usual style." Her eyes took on a faraway look as she added, "I only knew I needed to buy it when I saw it." She blinked, refocusing on my neck again. Her voice took on a knowing tone as she added, "Sometimes we have to trust that we'll know what to do when the time comes." Her smile turned impish as she added, "Like giving you this scarf."

I wasn't sure how to refuse a psychic gift, so I accepted my fate. I unwound my chunky winter scarf and placed it on the cab seat before draping Alice's gift around my neck. The silk felt cool against my skin as it slid into place, and it was so light it didn't disturb my bruises. I carefully wrapped the ends around each other before tucking them under my jacket.

Alice's elfin face lit up with delight. "Perfect," she decided.

It was impossible not to find her enthusiasm infectious. I smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Sarah." Her expression turned serious. "I'm glad you're alright."

I shifted my feet. "Me too."

The grave cast to her face lifted as quickly as it had fallen, and the lighter mien was back. "See you later." The way she said it made it sound more like a promise than a casual goodbye between strangers. Alice waved and walked off with that same odd grace all the Cullens had.

I made my way after, only to be stopped at the back of the truck by Sam as he wondered, "Who was that?"

"Edward's sister Alice," I explained, reaching up and touching the scarf.

As we walked to our classes, I wondered if Alice had ever given in to her bloodlust like Edward had. If she was the one responsible for the security guard and Waylon Forge. She didn't look or act like a killer, but neither had the ghoul until it had attacked.

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