Chapter 24: He Loves You

Start from the beginning

Aiden slammed his fist into one of the steel medical tables, creating a crater the size of his fist.

"Aiden," I whispered, pained to see this torturing him.

He turned to me instantly and I stretched my hand out to him, beckoning him to where I sat on the exam table.

Like a moth to a flame, he drew closer to me, resting his forehead against my own as he entwined our fingers together.

Breathing in his scent, I allowed myself to be comforted by him and he took comfort in me. The warmth of his skin soothed my skin, the sound of his deep breathing was in tandem with mine - sharing one breath.

Thane didn't growl or hit his chest in an act of brotherly protection, and for that, I was grateful.

Gleaming blue eyes, like those of a thunderous sky, met mine with determination.

"Mermaid blood," He whispered to me as he found a sacred treasure. "We'll ask the mermaids to help."

I straightened my spin as I pulled my head away from his.

"No," I admonished with finality.

"Tate," Aiden warned. "It's the only thing that may be able to cure you."

"At their expense," I countered. "I won't ask them to give me their blood when they need all their energy to protect themselves from the vampires."

"Technically," Dr. Nazra inserted, "they'd only have to give a pint, which won't make a big difference in how they feel or operate. People donate blood everyday."

"Not mermaids," I pointed out.

"I think we should hear them out Tay," Thane said. "They have a point."

Aiden nodded appreciatively to my brother while I shook my head vehemently. Not was so not the time for them to finally be in cahoots.

"If we use the blood, we'll also be able to test whether or not the mermaid blood works," Aiden went on.

"Seems like a solid option to me," Thane agreed.

"Great, then we'll get a mermaid in here now."

I grabbed Aiden's forearm and yanked him back to me with fire in my eyes and heat in my voice, "No."

He opened his mouth to offer a rebuttal but I cut him off.

"You said the merfolk are fragile creatures. My life is nothing compared to ensuring their species survive," I stated. "I'm not going to be the one to risk even one life of a mermaid."

His eyes softened and the crease between his eyebrows smoothened out as he looked me as if with new eyes. There was a clarity about his expression that made my breath catch in my throat as this curiosity in his eyes assessed me. As if looking for something or maybe now seeing something that hadn't seen there before.

The beat of silence between us seemed to break the high tension that had settled in the room when we entered.

And ever so slowly, the corner of his lips tilted as his long eyelashes fluttered over his blue eyes that seemed to shift between shades every time I looked at them.

"You're real stubborn, you know that," His voice held amusement as the corner of his crinkled and he slowly shook his head.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing."

"It's not."

"Then I guess I win this argument."

He shook his head as all traces of amusement vanquished from his eyes.

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