Chapter 30: Worried About Him

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I had a dream.

I was swimming the big ocean. There were creatures of all shapes and sizes. Mermaids and sirens all swam around me.

There was everything I'd wished for.

But nothing at all.

Because Aiden wasn't there.

Neither was Tourmaline. 

If I didn't have them, then it wasn't a dream at all. It was a wicked nightmare. 

In the days that passed following the incident at the beach, Aiden and I kept clear of each other. We were socially distancing as if the other had the plague. 

Yet, no matter how hard I tried staying away from him, he was there at every turn. 

In the kitchen? Aiden. 

Library? Aiden. 

Backyard? Aiden.

Living room, which no one uses? God damn Alpha Dickhead.

And you know what, he was a Dickhead. A gigantic piece of chocolate cake that fell to the ground before I could taste it.

Why, yes. I was both at my 'anger stage' and I just witnessed Rick tripping and sending a plate of chocolate cake crashing to the ground. And as he set the other plates on the table, everyone grabbed one before I could snag myself a piece.

There was none left.

When Aiden baked cake for everyone, not a single serving was left for seconds.

I placed my fisted hands on the tables as I glared daggers at Rick, and he had the audacity to smile sheepishly at me before hurriedly eating his undeserved share.

Had my mate not been peculiarly angry with me, I would have gotten the first plate. Quite actually, he would have baked one especially for me. But, yet again he was a conceited knuckle head.

Tourmaline grinned at me from across the table as I'd taken up residence in Kai's seat. I gave her my best smile despite the pain I felt of not having spoken to her in days and my lack of chocolate goodness. She scooted her plate towards me, not being that big of a fan of cake, but Aiden made a show of stopping her plate and turning to her.

He hadn't looked at me all night. Actually, he hadn't looked at me since that day on the beach and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. He'd all but forbidden me from having contact with Tourmaline. She was either with Jenny and the other mermaids or with Calypso. Either way, she always had wolves guarding her. Ones who refused to let me speak with her let alone give her a hug.

How I've missed her little hugs. Or the way she'd giggle at the slightest thing or wake me up every morning to braid her hair. 

"I put a seaweed filling in your piece," He told her and her eyes lit up at that. I guess eating seaweed was a mermaid thing because she could never resist. 

While she dug in, I witnessed the most abnormal behaviour. 

Aiden kept his slice of cake untouched. 

He didn't lift his fork. The dude wasn't even looking at it as he kept his eyes on Tourmaline, and his arms folded across his chest. 

Calypso nudged me with her elbow and gestured to Aiden. I shook my head, not knowing what was up with him. 

Aiden refusing chocolate cake was the equivalent to him refusing a first edition copy of his favourite piece of literature. Absurd in all sense of the word. 

I may be equally at odds with him as he is with me, but it doesn't mean I've erased my feelings for him or my concern. And I was worried about him. 

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