Percy Jackson (Bucky)

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1 month later...

Today is the day. The day I will never forget today is the day I met Steve. Today is the day we fell into that alternate reality. Today is the day current me meets the love of my life. But I'm not able to celebrate. The only time I get to be a part of the team is when Steve is around. The rest of them don't exactly trust that I won't go full hydra and kill them. So I wait. Steve should be back in two days time. The hours drag on. I had come to cherish the time Steve would spend with me. He didn't judge me for my feelings for him and he doesn't hate me for what I did.

"Get up."

"Hello to you too tony. What brings you to my lovely room." He rolls his eyes then squints at me like I'm being weird. "Come on man I'm freaking out Steve is missing and as much as we fight I actually care for the guy. He's family ya know." I try to hide the small grin that creeps onto my face. "You little shit you did something to him didn't you? Where is Steve? TELL ME KNOW BEFORE..."

"Tony relax I have some stuff I need to tell everyone but not until Steve gets back in two days time." I'm trying not to laugh now I understand what Tony is feeling. "I need to go to the Empire state building. Will you take me? You can get to Olympus. You are a descendant of Hephaestus after all. Please, if not I'll just go but this will save both of us a lot of trouble and you will get to know everything before everyone else. But first I need a haircut. Stark, I need a haircut. Oh and a cellphone wait no I can't call Annabeth timelines and shit. Tony, where can I get a haircut?"

"Wait, back up, I'm a descendant of who now?"

"Hephaestus, Greek blacksmith god, was thrown off Olympus for being crippled. Hera's a bitch. But he's your grandfather. Therefore you can get on Olympus. Please I need to speak with Apollo. And if I do it on my own I run the risk of my father noticing my powers and catching me. I can only speak to Apollo if I don't want to screw over the time lines and crap."

"Fine fine I'll take you to the empire state building bu...."

"It's actually Percy. James Buchanan Barnes never existed before I was sent back in time to ensure Steve followed the correct path."

"Sent back in time? Wait wait, you mean you're from the future?"

"Um no technically I'm from now I mean I was 18 when Steve and I were sent to Sam and Dean to help kill lucifer. Oh gods that makes me almost 107 years old. I'm old. Anyway, the haircut lets go." Tony gives up and leads me out the door into another room. "I'll cut it for you."

(Percy after his hair is at Tony's mercy)

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(Percy after his hair is at Tony's mercy)

I look at all the hair on the floor. That all came off my head, holy crap. "Thanks Tony." He just scuffs and hands me a broom.

"Hey bu... I mean Percy when you killed them was it you or hydra controlling you?"

I feel bile rise in my throat and see tears cloud my eyes. "Tony, if I could get them back from Hades I would do whatever I had to do to bring them back. I've tried bargaining with chaos but they all say no. ''We can't not even for the mighty hero of Olympus. What is done can not be changed for Tony has to go through the pain. You can not trade your soul for them. I will not send you to the empty my champion.' I'm so sorry Tony hydra got me they knew my father was Poseidon they knew to use the water to reverse my attempt to prevent this. Then they trapped me in a prison of my own mind where I was forced to watch my body do horrible things while I was hopeless to stop it. I made sure they got Elysium or heaven. That was the best I could do. You also have a spot there with them. I vouched for you. No matter what happens your crimes will fall on my shoulders and you will get to be with them."

"You didn't even know me and you did that? Oh god I've been so horrible to you when you did what you could to get them back even though it was never your fault to begin with." Tony is crying and so am I still feel like I'm going to be sick. I scan the room for a sink or trash can. Spotting one just in time. My stomach empties everything I had eaten, which wasn't a lot, into the small trash can. When I finish there is a small towel on the ground next to me and no more hair on the floor.

"Come on, let's go talk to Apollo now that you are all cleaned up."

----two hours later----

We walked to Apollo's temple on Olympus. Before I can even knock Apollo poofs in behind me and shoves us through the door.

"Are you stupid Percy time lines you could have been seen you couldn't wait 2 days its two days."

"No, I need to know if I did what was needed of me and how is camp."

"Yes you did perfect and camp half-blood is fine Chiron has it all under control. Anything else?"

"Yeah actually how did hydra know to use the water I thought the little gremlin who tortured me the first go round died."

"Unfortunately he took notes. They had been hunting you since Steve got you out. I can remove the trigger words and they won't be able to work any more. That is if your friend over there will help." I look at Tony.

"What do I need to do to free Percy from hydra?"


A/N hey guys so I don't know what happened but here is the chapter wattpad glitched out and posted it before it was done or something I don't know but here it is. I hope you all like it. Sorry for the long wait.

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