Steve Rogers (leaving the ice)

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I wake up on a bed that is slightly too soft. I'm not in my uniform but instead a t-shirt and pants. The room looks normal around me. But something is very off. The radio is on but it's playing coverage of an old baseball game. A woman comes in and tells me I'm in a recovery room in New York City.

" Where am I really?" Something really isn't right.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Yes she does, she is lying to me." The game it's from may 1941 I know because I was there. I'm going to ask you again where am I?" Men heavily armed walk through the door. "Who are you?" I don't give them a chance to respond. I fight my way out of the room and leave the building. What I'm greeted with shocks me the entire world is different. Cars surround me when a man with an eye patch yells "at ease soldier." I turn and look at him. "Look I'm sorry for that little show back there. We thought it'd be best to break it to you slowly."

I'm kinda freaking out about this but I need to not let it show. "Break what?"

"You've been asleep cap for almost 70 years."

My breath catches and I finally take in my surroundings.

"Bucky did they ever find Bucky's body?." The man's face turns a bit sad. Almost as if he knew Bucky somehow. "No, it has not been recovered. Also my name is Nick Fury but everyone just calls me Fury."

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