Percy Jackson

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"So Percy where have you been?" I shift anxiously in my chair, unable to find a position quite comfortable. I attempt to put the words together to tell him. But would Jason understand that in the short time I have been gone for him I've lived a lifetime. I attempt to speak again and still no words come. Steve grabs my hand in a reassuring way. I inhale deeply trying to calm my nerves. I move my eyes up to meet Jason's. "Another time please. Let's just all listen to Apollo." I hope this will change the topic of discussion but the focus is still on me. I feel the anxiety rising inside of me. The calm I felt before is gone and the anxiety washes over me once again. I start to mark all exits including windows. Leo's voice cuts through my racing thoughts. "No man we deserve to know!" The words echo in a cacophony. This causes me to wince and shrink back. Steve being the only person on Earth who even has an idea of what I went through looks Leo directly in the eye. Then turns to Jason. "A lot has happened to Percy from going through World War 2 and being captured to being trapped in his own mind forced to watch as someone used his body like a puppet to commit atrocities against the world. If he does not wish to give details, you people should understand this more than others." Everyone looks down in shame. We all feel the weight of Steve's words and they know not to question.

"You know the best part of all of this is we have a much larger issue at hand then where I sent Percy." I know that voice but from where. I turn to look in the direction the voice came from. As soon as my eyes see who it is I stand.

"Chaos. What exactly do you mean by this?"

"Well I mean you have a threat coming this way you have approximately oh I don't know five to six months to prepare. Good Luck!"

With that Chaos poofed out of the room leaving nothing but a scrap of paper at my feet. Curious, I grabbed it and looked at what it said. You me training starting tomorrow 07:00 sharp don't be late. I groan. Steve glances at me then at the note. "Well champion of chaos you are finally going to learn your powers." Steve chuckles out oblivious to all the wide eyes and slacked jaws pointed at us.

"Champion of Chaos? When did that happen?" Annabeth looks like she just saw a ghost.

"For me 80 years ago but if you want to be technical last night for you all."

"So what does that exactly mean like special powers or something? Is that how you got those wings?"

"Yes, that would be exactly it." I can see the gears turning in Annabeth's head. She is thinking long and hard about something. "What is it Annabeth?"

"Champion of chaos, hero of Olympus, son of Poseidon please Percy tell me how you managed to get captured by hydra?"

"Not right now ok later not with everyone here." she nodded her head in acknowledgement. Apollo claps his hands together to get our attention. All heads in the room spin to look in his direction, all attention dropped from me.

"So as you all know we have a new foe in our mists. We must prepare and decipher the prophecy that I have personally received." Apollo takes a deep breath then speaks again.

"Three who fell into a world unknown" Annabeth, Steve, and I all make eye contact. Knowing that line refers to us.

"Shall stand side by side once again

To fight an evil unnamed

Six stones to be gained

Or see half the world slain."

"Based on the look those three just gave each other they know the first line's meaning." Leo says with a gloomy tone to his voice.

"Yeah we definitely know what it means. Annie you up for an adventure like old times?"

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