Percy's P.O.V

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0700 comes early for me the next day, and I find myself beside the lake. Chaos is late. I unfurl my wings, taking advantage of the space to stretch. I lay back in the sand, looking like a dark angel. My mind drifts to years back, remembering the simpler things in my life. My family and everything they have missed. My mom and how she is now technically younger than I am. To Steve and how he has stood by me. This entire time. I hear footsteps beside me.

"Come my champion, we must visit someone today." I stand sweeping sand off my body and shaking out of my wings. Chaos gives me his hand, and the world blurs. I slam my eyes shut, and when I open them again, I'm in front of a familiar apartment.

"Why are we here. She won't recognize me. I don't think she will welcome me either, considering the world knows me as a murder." Chaos just rolls his eyes and knocks. A few moments of tense silence, then the lock clicks, and the door nob turns. Out steps my loving mother.

"May I help you?" Her tone has an edge to it she only sees the winter soldier and a strange man. My mouth moves, but no sound comes out. Instead, I move my regular arm to scratch my neck unknowingly, showing my camp Jupiter tattoo. "You're a son of Neptune?" My mom asks.
"Actually, a son of Posiden. I spent some time in camp Jupiter at 18 after having my memory wiped by a goddess. You may know me."

"Percy?" Her voice is barely a whisper.

"Hi, mom." I say just as quietly. Her guard still doesn't drop, and while it hurts, I don't blame her.

"Tell me something only Percy would know." Her voice is stern and unwavering.

"While you are currently not showing you are approximately 2 months pregnant. The father is Paul. Paul is an English teacher, and I sent you madusas head, and you may or may not have turned Gabe into a stone statue and sold him." Before I'm even finished Her arms are around my shoulders enveloping me in a hug like no others.

"What happened? Are you really the winter soldier?"

"A lot and not by choice but yes." She guides us into the small apartment. I hear the shower shut off down the hall. A few minutes later, Paul walks down the hall to find us all awkwardly standing in the living room. His body automatically stiffens ready to fight.

"Sally why is the winter soldier in our living room?"

"It's Percy." She says stiffly. I stay quiet not knowing what to say. She looks at me and motins for me to sit. "Care to explain everything?"

"Get comfortable it's a long story also Chaos parents parents Chaos. Now let's start with Steve Rodgers." I begin telling the story not sugar coating anything knowing my mother will be able to see right through me. My mother listens intently taking in all the details.

1 hour later

I'm crying at this point as well as my mom. "So that's the story and I am already dealing with another war. Am I allowed to retire yet?" I try at a joke and it gets my mom to smile and Paul to chuckle.
"Sally, Paul I'm sorry to cut this short but my champion and I have some training to do. Starting with shifting." Chaos stands and gabs my shoulder teleporting us away.

"For fucks sake warning. Also why didn't you let me say goodbye!" I almost shout at him. "Let's get this done with."

"Lesson one shifting. Sit down clear your head. Picture a living being you wish to become." I roll my eyes but do as he said. It takes a while to successfully clear my head I picture my younger self. Nothing happens.

"I have an idea. Take the arm off." A voice I recognize as Annabeth says.

"Take my arm off?" I roll my eyes. "Sure that's totally going make a difference."

"No actually she has a point you are shifting to something living and the arm is metal." I remove my arm as instructed. I focus again and I feel my body revert to what it was when I first met Steve excluding my arm. Annabeth gasps. "There you go Percy you got it. That's all for today." Chaos disappears without another word.

I stand grabbing my arm while doing so. "I kind of hoped that would give me my arm back but alas that's too much to ask." Annabeth stands still in shock. "Annabeth you good?"

"You look like you again" She says finally. I can feel this starting to drain me. I try to take a step and stumble. Annabeth catches me before I can completely fall. "Maybe it's time to go back you just got super pale."

"That's the thing I wasnt given that info. I'm guessing it's the same way as getting here." I follow the same steps and my body reverts back to its previous state. My knees buckle and Annabeth is no longer able to support my weight and we both hit the sand.
"Shit sorry Annabeth. I say attempting to roll off of her only getting enough to land on my back next to her.

"I'll find Steve to help you get to your cabin." She chuckles and stands up

"OK" I yawn out. She walks away and is back moments later with Steve close behind."Hi love I'm a little stuck. My knees have quit. Energy drain is the best." He laughs and lifts me with ease.

"Annabeth will you grab his arm please. Percy I'm just going to set you in the water. Ok let's get you revived enough to walk." I don't respond just nod my head as he carries me bridle style right to the water. He sits me in the water.

"Just submerge him he'll be fine he's practically a fish." Annabeth says and while she is not wrong I want to object because I don't have scales but the water is working slow and words take effort.

"OK promise I'm not going to accidentally kill him?"

"He'll be fine he's a son of Posiden after all." Steve lifts me again walks me in further and dumps me in. I recover quickly now.

I stretch out enjoying the feeling of being back in my element. I see Steve looking at me worriedly. I surface gab his arm and yank him under. He holds his breath and looks shocked. I will him dry. "Breath and don't let go of my hand." He hesitates. "Trust me. You'll be ok." He inhales.

"I'm breathing under water." I laugh before kissing him.

"Let's get back up there." We both surface and Annabeth is laughing at Steve's shocked expression. "Guess she forgot to warn you that I can do that."

"Yes she did." He gives her side eye. We walk towards the shore and Annabeth hands me back my arm. I try and get it back on by myself and give up looking at Steve for help. He reattaches it and we all head back to my cabin.

Its a short walk and when we get to the door Annabeth turns to got to the sword arena. "Stay with me Steve. I want to just cuddle and nap."

"Of course." We enter the cabin and both squeeze onto the small bed and I quickly fall asleep.

The next few weeks we follow this pattern train during the day while Steve and I somehow sleep on the tiny bed. I have mastered the art of shifting, teleporting, illusions, and mind control.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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