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"Jameson. Neat," I shout over the music in the club.
After Ahana and I finished dinner, we came back to the hotel. It is close to where my condo is. She said we'd have a couple of drinks before we head home, and I was sure she had a tamer in mind tonight. I didn't want this to be a long night. I need to be up early and tomorrow is a big day, the first day of my job, I didn't want to be late or hungover. I should have known better when we pulled up outside a bar and there was a queue at the door and Ahana wiggled her eyebrows at me as she hopped out of the car and went straight to the bouncer up front. I jumped out of the car behind her and barely heard what she said to the doorman as he unfastened the velvet ropes and waved the two of us in. I didn't get to ask her how she did that before we walked through the double doors and were hit by loud music.
This bar is more of a club than a bar. The place is swanky, but there's a dance floor in the middle of the place and a DJ throwing down like it's New Year's Eve. It's dark around the edges of the dance floor, with big velvet couches huddled up in corners. I rest against the bar, waiting on my drink as I watch Ahana talk to a guy on the other side of it.
As if she senses my stare, she looks across at me and winks.
I've had a drink, which was more than enough for me to like the place. I was wearing my black skinny jeans, teamed with stiletto boots and a black silky tank top. It's summer, and the humidity is killer. Cool air blows around the bar, and I close my eyes, enjoying the breeze.
My brown hair is tied up in a ponytail which exposed my shoulders. It felt nice. But suddenly the hair on the back of my neck stands up, and it's as if someone is watching me.
I open my eyes, and at that moment, the bartender passes me my drink. I lay some cash down, but the bartender denyed to take it.
"Ma'am that man paid for your drink" he said pointing towards a well built tall man standing infront of a table.
Turning slightly, I see a man with dark copper hair and a short dark beard, I don't know why but i think I have seen him before. He's dressed in a white crisp shirt and blue jeans, and is somewhat hidden in the shadows, I lean back a little, making an exaggerated motion of looking him up and down. It's too dark to see all of him, but what I can see is very nice. Looking him over, I see the shoes he's wearing cost more than a month's rent of my condo. I catch a glimpse of his watch, and I'm sure it's something expensive to go with the ensemble. When I look up, he's come into the light a bit more, and again I'm caught up by the dark grey intense eyes. He watches me watching him, and the area around his eyes crinkles as his eyes widens. Damn it. I know this gaze, it's the same stranger from last night. I watch him walking towards me and my breath shallows. He sits next to me and orders his drink.
"Here" I pass my drink for which he paid.
"Sorry I don't drink cheap whiskey" he says and again I'm shocked by his words.
I open my mouth to say something but he continues.
"And sorry if you got any wrong signs..." he said.
"Listen..." I said but he continues.
"...You know you're not my type, yes I admit you are kind of attractive to eyes but that's not the only thing I want in my woman, especially in bed"
"Enough" I shout and threw the whiskey on his face.
"What the---" he shouts and in a second I'm again under his hold and my back hits the table, I shiver because of it's coldness.
"What do you think of yourself" he says.
"Exactly, what do you think of _yourself_? You think, you are rich so that all the girls will throw themselves at you. Well then for your information, you are nothing more than a pathetic loaded brat who lives on daddy's cash and thinks money can buy anything." I said and his holds tightens.
"Oh if you're not intrested in me then why did you offer me your drink?" He asked.
"leave me. You're hurting me. I offered you your drink and if you think the whiskey is cheap then why did you pay for it?" I asked.
"Why would I pay for such a cheap whiskey?" He asked
"But you did" I said and the bartender returns with his drink.
"You said this man paid for my drink"
"No ma'am I pointed at the man behind him he is sitting at that table" he pointed at a man who seems to be in his early 40's, the man winked at me. I turned towards the bartender and handed him the cash. I can feel the stranger's glare.
"Okay sorry, but you've no fuckin right to insult me like that" I said.
"Ohh really and you've the fuckin right to throw your drink at me?" He said, i can see the anger in his eyes.
"Well then you should know how to talk to women" I said not too loudly, I felt small under his gaze, I'm too ashamed for by action but he can't talk to me like that.
"Please, you of all the people should not be talking about manners." he said.
"You know what, fuck off, you disgust me." I said and left.
And it's been 20 mins I'd been waiting for Ahana, finally I'm done with this place so I walk over to Ahana.
"You ready?" I ask
"Yeah. I'm right behind you," she replied and I walked towards the exit.
I don't know why but I look over to see where that stranger is, he is still there but what catches my eyes is that he is with a women who is dressed elegantly in black and I have to admit she is beautiful, big eyes, toned body. Suddenly his gaze meets mine and again I'm lost in the grey depth and the thing which shocks me the most is I don't want to look away, it's like I'm hypnotized. Breaking the gaze he reaches out and runs the edge of his knuckles along her jaw, as if testing the softness of her skin. Suddenly I feel unsettled and I want to run. He drops his hand and smiles at me. It's an easy smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes. There's something there, something I can't read, but I want to. I have this need to know everything about this stranger. Taking a deep breath, I walk a few steps away from there, breaking the spell. Once I've cleared away the fog, I'm more like myself. I turn back to see he's watching me.
Once we get outside, my phone vibrates in my back pocket, and I pull it out to see it's Mom. We enter the elevator for 10th floor as I read the text.
_All the best for tomorrow, I know you will do great, we are proud of you_
I smile at the screen
_Thank you Mum, and yes I'll do my best , I miss you and dad_
I smile as I wait for her response.
_Come home soon baby, we miss you_
_Yaah soon Mum, I'll call you in the morning. XoXo❤_
"Who is it?" Ahana asked.
"Mom, wishing me luck for tomorrow" I replied.
After almost 30 minutes, I'm ready to leave.
I say my goodbye to Ahana and make my way to the elevator.
While walking through the lobby I tripped over my own feet and fall headfirst in the lobby. Crap me and my two left feet! I am on my hands and knees in the lobby and gentle hands are around me, helping me to stand. I'm so embarrassed, damn my clumsiness. I have to steel myself to glance up. Damn, he is hot, his brown hair was messy. He looked like a freaking supermodel. He wore low slung ripped jeans that showed his boxers a little which can make the girls swoon and with that he wore a white t-shirt that showed off his perfect sculpted body, and an orange and grey checked short sleeve shirt over it, unbuttoned. His blue eyes were glittering with amusement as he looked at me.
"Are you all right? Would you like to sit?" He asked
He is tall and attractive, very attractive
"Thank you I'm fine" I said.
"This floor is reserved and only family members are allowed here, are you from the royal faimly?" He asked
"No, I don't belong here. Actually my friend is staying here. Ahana Yug Singh Rathore" I replied
"Oh and you are?" He asked
"I am Sana Khanna and you?"
"It's nice to meet you Sana, I'm Veer Singh Rathore, cousin of Ahana" He extends a long-fingered hand to me.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Rathore" I place my hand in his and we shake. I withdraw my hand hastily, embarrassed.
"Veer, please Sana" he says
"Veer" I nodded
"I was just going to grab a drink want to join?" He asked
"I would love to but I've my first day at work tomorrow and I'm already super late for bed"
"It's okay, next time maybe"
"Yaah, next time for sure"
"All the best for tomorrow"
"Thank you".


Stay tuned to know what will happen on the first day in the office , I'll upload the next chapter soon, hope you are liking the story so far do tell me in the comments section, and do vote and share!!💖

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