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So, was that the sign he needed? Was Naruto's confirmation of never leaving Sasuke alone enough? Sasuke looked up at the ceiling in the small, square room inside their bathhouse suite. After their extended staring contest, in which Naruto affirmed his promise to Sasuke and Sasuke affirmed his own to Naruto, the blonde offered him a comforting smile and then dragged him into town in search of a ramen stand. Sasuke's eyes strained as they were trying to focus on the specks of dust inside the ceiling light, trying to create his own poor version of counting sheep. Yet, Sasuke kept getting jolts of memory from earlier. The small moment when Naruto was gripping Sasuke's hand and holding eye contact, he'd felt there something beyond friendship, but the events after it felt merely platonic.

Sasuke groaned and looked over at Naruto's sleeping body a few feet away from him. It must've been past midnight now and Sakura was expecting an early rise, so they could make it to their destination by the following evening. Sasuke needed to sleep, he knew that, but his mind wouldn't let him. The unsteady emotions made him feel weak and vulnerable. He was unable to read Naruto at all. It was as if every time he took one step forward, he then took two steps back. He was opening himself up more to Naruto than he'd ever done with anyone else prior, but was that it? Was it one-sided?

Sasuke sat up in his sheets and glanced at both Sakura and Naruto, who looked to be sound asleep. Of course, he was the only one who was letting his feelings rid him of the opportunity to get a good nights rest before their travel. He could feel his eyes fatigued, but every time he shut them, his mind played over a montage of moments of him and Naruto and his legs became restless, causing him to shift constantly. He couldn't take it. He felt like he was back at square one.

He threw off the sheets that were covering him, put on a robe, and quietly slipped out of the room. He made sure not to wake up his two comrades as he walked away, silently. Maybe fresh air would help him clear his head. He walked down the dark, dimly lit hallway, turning one corner and then another before exiting the complex. Out by the bath area, the steam lifting off the springs was serene. The moon was high in the sky, giving him hope that'd he be able to get a few hours before the sun rise. Still restless, he didn't want to sit, so he leaned against the outside wall, just looking up at the starry night. The one thing he loved about his long travels was how much of the world he got to see. The more he thought about it, being out in the world, with no ties, no real cares... That was what felt like "home" the most. If he had to name it now, that is. While being with Naruto was a different kind of "home..." He didn't want to be alone anymore, but he was nervous about finding anything that compared to that. What Naruto offered him was security... But he felt he was expecting too much from him, which was why being alone sounded more appealing as a "home."

Sasuke stopped looking up at the infinite sky and let his head drop down. He didn't know what to do anymore. It felt like he was relearning how to exist again, but he was constantly messing it up. Was life easier when he had tunnel vision... Even if it was more painful?

He didn't want to think like that, but these late night thoughts never were uplifting...

Sasuke looked up at the sound of the door across from him sliding open. Naruto, half asleep, stepped outside, sliding the door closed behind him. He stopped in front of it, just staring ahead at Sasuke, leaning against the wall, as if he was waiting to be found.

"I thought I wasn't to leave you alone again." His voice was raspier after he woke up and Sasuke couldn't help but smile at his comment.

"What are you doing, y'know?" Naruto rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Sasuke debated whether or not to extend the conversation with Naruto and ruin both of their chances of a good nights sleep, or just shrug it off and go back to the suite. If Sakura woke up at all, with them not being there, there's no chance in hell she wouldn't make their lives a living hell for the rest of the journey.

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