Just the Two of Them

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Sasuke's consciousness returned to him before his vision and body did. It was as though he was in a frozen comatose. He recalled what had happened too: He passed out, simply due to the possible hyperthermia he'd caught. Thankfully, being in a warmer, humid location and with Sakura most likely healing him, the effects wouldn't damage him or the possible success of the mission. However, he was still "unconscious" to Naruto and Sakura. He could feel the pressing fingertips of the blonde holding him upright, close to his chest, transferring a generous amount of body heat. Naruto's thumping heartbeat was clear in one of his ears, while the conversation the two were having was clear in his other. It felt dirty—eavesdropping—but he had no other choice. Until the rest of his senses reacted to his awoken mind, he was trapped in this paralyzed, sleeping body.

"If we came all this way, it wouldn't make sense to abandon the mission." Naruto's voice was frustrated. He could tell, by how raspy it was, he'd been straining it... Possibly yelling? Or was this just him coming down from the emotional outburst he'd displayed for Hinata?

"We've got three men down, Naruto. It doesn't make sense for us to try and accomplish this mission without any other back up." Sakura's voice was different then how he normally heard her speak. She normally treated Naruto in a certain way, like she was teasing or frustrated with him constantly. It was rare he ever heard her having a...normal conversation? Yes, she was frustrated, but they spoke in turn, not speaking over each other. They were arguing, but not bickering like unhinged siblings. She was treating him as an equal, which was new for Sasuke to hear.

"Sasuke will wake up soon. You even said Shikamaru was coming back to his senses, y'know." Naruto's grip tightened on Sasuke. He was letting his emotions tense his muscles.

"You really think they both will be ready to dive into the lion's den immediately after they wake up?" A warmth left Sasuke's being... Sakura wasn't healing him anymore. In fact, she got up from beside him and was running away.

Naruto's heart rate increased as well. "Shikamaru?" Sasuke could tell that he wanted to get up and run over to Shikamaru, but was being held down by the weight of the Uchiha. "Shit..." Naruto mumbled to himself. He took a deep breath and Sasuke knew what was about to happen.

Naruto lifted Sasuke into his arms, similar to how he held Hinata, and rushed over to Shikamaru's side. However, instead of keeping Sasuke in his arms, he laid him down on the cold sand and rushed away.

That hurt...

Sasuke felt the remaining warmth of Naruto's body disappear from his side. And it was lonesome again. It wouldn't have been hard for Naruto to keep holding him, but, for some reason, Naruto didn't want to by tied down to Sasuke at that moment. Something held a higher priority than Sasuke.

Wake up, idiot.

Sasuke tried so hard to move his fingers, his eyes, his nose, anything... Anything so that he could bring Naruto's attention back to himself.

"Shikamaru, can you hear me?" Naruto's voice was desperate, pleading for the consciousness of his friend to return.

"Yeah..." Shikamaru's voice was faint. Sasuke could barely hear the words escaping his lips. But he clearly heard the sighs of relief echoing towards Shikamaru. Sakura might've even been crying...

"You've—" Sakura sniffled. "You've still got some of that poison in you... I'll get it out though. At least you're awake."

"You're a genius, Sakura-chan." Naruto's voice filled in admiration for his comrade.

Sasuke grimaced inside of his head. He much preferred when Sakura and Naruto bickered like children. Seeing them admiring the other felt... Almost sickening.

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