Revenge has a Price

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AHA! This might be my last oneshot for a while, I'm not sure. If I get the motivation, I'll finish the Halloween ones, but otherwise that's probably it for a bit. UNLESS you'd like me to write some Christmas/New Years ones. I dunno. Just a thought. Let me know! 

This fic has been planned for a while now, but I finished it in literally a day. I was that excited about writing it. Kinda morbid considering the topic, but oh well. This is for you, my angst lovers (*cough cough* Laurs, Dallas, and Alex *cough cough*)

Warnings: Death, violence, gore (mainly just blood), and insinuations of suicide

Much Love, Krissy


I'm jerked from my slumber by the sound of my dorm door being knocked on loudly. It's far too early for this, isn't it? I check my clock, which reads 2 AM. Yes, definitely too early for this. The knocking becomes more insistent, and I sigh and get up, leaving the warmth of my blankets. I go to my dorm door, prepared to scold whoever thought to bother me or Eliza this early in the morning, but my words die on my tongue as my eyes fall on the sight outside my door. John is carrying Peggy on his back as she lay unconscious. Both of them are beaten thoroughly.

"John?" is all I can get out. He reaches out for me, but collapses. I catch him immediately, trying to hold Peggy up too.


Eliza and I have been awake since 2 AM taking care of John and Peggy. Peggy woke up and had a concussion, and John has been fading in and out of consciousness for hours.

"Who did this to you?" I ask Peggy softly, the desk lamp being our only light source as we talk. She curls up around my body like a cat, and I stroke my hand over her hair.

"Jefferson," she mutters quietly. My hand pauses in her hair, and I feel anger boiling up in my stomach. Jefferson hurt them. I should hurt him. I remember thinking these thoughts only when my father had tried to hurt John and my mother. Now, someone else has hurt people I love. I let it slide before. I cannot do it again. I begin to stroke Peggy's hair again, slowly and soothingly.

"It will be okay, Pegs. I won't let him hurt you ever again," I say softly. She takes my free hand and holds onto it.

"I know you won't," she says, smiling a little. I lift her hand and kiss her knuckles, before lowering it back onto the bed and standing up. I need to find a knife.

Perhaps this was not the wisest idea. It could ruin my life, after all. James will hate me if I kill his boyfriend. However, I'm certain James also doesn't know what Thomas likes to do to the rest of our friends in his free time. However, I'm driven by anger and a thirst for revenge. Thomas hurt John. Thomas hurt Peggy. You hurt my friends and I cannot let it slide. I turn the corner and see the trademark puffed up hair. He's even wearing purple. Perhaps a bit toned down, but it still screams "Jefferson." I pull the gas station pocket knife out of my jeans pocket and stalk up behind him. I draw closer, keeping my steps light so that he can't hear me. It's my last chance to back out. I don't want to. I flick out the blade of the knife and let out a sharp whistle. Jefferson pauses and turns around. As his eyes fall on me, I jump, plunging the knife into his chest.

"Tu n'aurais pas dû blesser mes proches, espèce de connard pompeux (You should not have hurt my loved ones, you pompous asshole)," I whisper harshly, knowing he speaks French. His eyes widen in fear and...Hurt?

"Anastasia?" he chokes out. My lungs cease to function as I realize my error. This isn't Jefferson. It's Laf.

"Laf?" I ask, voice suddenly quiet as tears flood my eyes. He stumbles and catches himself against the wall, and I go to him. Unlike most normal people, he does not flinch away from me - the person who just stabbed him in the chest.

Traversing The Universes (Non-AnaVerse Oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang