A Different War

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So, I had to do a project about Unit 2 of my U.S. History class. The example projects were like "poster", "brochure", or "pamphlet" and those didn't sound interesting to me, so basically I wrote a whole ass story and used Anastasia and co. as characters. And also using the information I learned and also things I researched to do it. I mean, I think it's good. I dunno. You tell me. 

No real warnings? I mean, someone dies, but that's about it, because it's a school project. Also, have fun learning while also reading. 

Note: Some characters have different names or identities than usual, because I couldn't let my teacher know I was pretty much writing her a fanfic oneshot

Much Love, Krissy


John Henry = John Laurens 

Charlie Leech = Charles Lee

Hera = Hercules

Gilbert = Lafayette

August 3, 1914

The streets are bustling with people at this early time of morning, most of them on their way to work or school. Such can also be said for Nicolette Reama, who is on her way to her tailoring shop. Perhaps she doesn't need a job, as one of the daughters of the esteemed Charlotte Frossard, but she believes it keeps her humble and honest. It is the same reason that her sister moved to America. Other civilians call out and chat amongst themselves, maneuvering around one another. Nicolette lifts her skirt as she steps up onto the sidewalk in front of her shop. One of her employees is already standing outside the door, waiting for her. She smiles politely.

"Good morning, Hera," Nicolette says, pulling out a key and unlocking the door. The other woman smiles back at her.

"Good morning, Nicolette. Have you heard the news?" she asks. Nicolette enters her shop, turning on the lights and holding open the door for her friend.

"What news?" she asks, crossing the shop and going behind the counter. Hera follows her, leaning across the counter on her arms.

"About the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Austro-Hungarian Empire," she says. Nicolette looks up from her work and smiles slightly.

"Such is old news, my dear Hera," she teases, "but if you have new information, do not hesitate to share." Hera chuckles and nods.

"Well, I heard that he and his wife were killed by a Siberian nationalist, and now Austria-Hungary has declared war on Siberia. I also heard that Germany is supporting them, and Siberia is being supported by our Russian allies," she says. This is all relatively new information, some of it being things that Nicolette had heard, and others being things she hadn't. The war declaration had only happened earlier this week. Nicolette makes some marks on the order form on the counter before she looks up.

"Do you think we'll get involved?" she asks. Hera hums and shrugs.

"I was told that Germany has declared war on Russia. If Russia is getting involved, I wouldn't be surprised if we did," she says. Nicolette taps her pencil against the wood of the counter, thinking.

"And what about America?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. Hera scoffs and shakes her head.

"You know America. When was the last time they helped us with anything?" she asks. Nicolette sighs and nods.

"A valid point," she says. The bell above the door rings as it is open, and both women look toward it.

"Good morning, Laurel," they both chime in greeting. Laurel nods, but does not smile. She is holding a newspaper, and she hurries across the room to slap it on the counter. Nicolette eyes her with concern.

Traversing The Universes (Non-AnaVerse Oneshots)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ