part five

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The next morning the small male woke up earlier than the two others in the same room as him, he sighed as he slowly got up from his bed and walked to the box where his uniform would be, everything seemed slightly fitted and it was a little too uncomfortable for him. While he wasn't in complete dislike of his athletic build, he was still very small, his proportions weren't exactly what you'd find captivating in a guy. He sighed as he pulled a cardigan that was larger than the rest of the clothing out of the box and left to take a shower.

The cold water hitting the ground quickly shut off as he stepped out getting dressed and ready, the black cardigan was a lot larger on him than he expected but it was okay, it was cozy. He grabbed his bag of clothing and left the bathroom.

"Oi! Chibi-chan!!" the bouncy setter walked over waving at the tangerine. The boy looked over at Oikawa and smiled softly still a bit groggy from being up so early. "Hello Oikawa-san... What are you doing up so early?" Hinata slowly backed up fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater waiting for an answer.

"Oh, I could be asking you the same, but I thought I'd head to my class early and study." Hinata noticed how tired Oikawa seemed, it was almost saddening. He tilted his head hoping for a further explanation which the setter caught on to. "Gotta get good grades and be perfect!" he chuckled and looked down at Chibi-chan giving him a a small wave before walking away. Hinata smiled softly thinking about a way to make Oikawa's day a little better- 'I'll buy him milk bread for lunch!" he held his fist tightly thinking it would be a good idea. After the short interaction he made it back into his room to find Sugawara and Dachi both awake. Both males still very sleepy looking at the tangerine and giving him a sweet warm smile.

"Why are you awake so early hinata?" Sugawara asked Hinata. His voice was laced with sleep, it was so smooth and raspy, and it made Hinata's stomach feel bubbly. All he could do was give a warm smile as he made it back onto the bed to rest for a while before class started. "I'm just used to waking up early is all." his face felt flushed and hot, 'anyone would feel flustered with a voice like that, right?' his thoughts were interrupted as Daichi came behind him lightly touching his neck- which didn't help his nerves at all. His face was practically burning! Another smooth deep voice echoed in his ears as he looked up with glazed eyes.

"Don't tell me you're not feeling well hinata?" the small boy couldn't respond, words were trapped in his throat as he struggled to think of something to say- 'Dear lord, why does this happen to me..?' He nervously laughed it off, rapidly shaking his hands out in front of him distancing himself from the captain. "I'm fine! just homesick.. yeah homesick!" Daichi just gave him a soft smile before grabbing his bag along with Sugawara. The silver-haired male turned back before exiting the room. "We're going to go get ready, if you need anything go knock on Tsukishima's and Yamaguchi's room, they're to the right of us." Hinata nodded simply before plopping back into his bed with a deep sigh.

The first day of a new school, mid-year.. meaning festivals will be held here too, then back to the end year after summer for finals. It was all too much for Hinata. Especially being around his amazing but painstakingly hot teammates. Now maybe he was a bit ahead of himself but everyone seemed to be making him so flustered recently. His heart feels compelled to satisfy the happiness for each one of his friends. He grabs his phone sending a quick message to Kageyama to meet him for breakfast as he walks out of the room. He walked aimlessly to the front lot of the dorm rooms, ignoring that Kageyama was already waiting for him.

"Hey Hinita! Are you still half asleep or what?" the setter aggressively yelled at the short boy, it was normal for the two. Hinita just laughed as he ran towards the small convince store near them to get a small treat for breakfast, Kageyama followed too. Soon entering and picking a couple of snacks he also picked a sweet treat for Oikawa. 'Maybe he's just having a bad day. That'll cheer him up hopefully!' The rest of the day went by so quickly, it was just like normal but just somewhere new. He sighed as it was time for practice along with the others, he looked forward to this time but today made the boy tired. He suddenly remembered the treat he wanted to give to Oikawa but didn't get to see him during lunch. He sprinted out of the class confusing Taukishima and Yamaguchi who had him for the last class, soon finding the setter from the other school and ran up to him.

"Chibi-chan? Aren't you here a bit early?" the setter gave a warm smile to the short boy patting his head a bit.

"Well yes! But I wanted to give you something!" he pulled out the treat from his bag handing it to Oikawa, the setter stood there struck, struck by love? Amazement? Honored? He was so happy, he practically lunged to give the short boy a big hug. It made Hinata's face flush and his heart beat fast. He took it as a friendly gesture and nuzzled his head into his chest. Oikawa's heart was about to fall out of his chest. The small boy was so cute and filled with only good intentions, who wouldn't love Hinata?

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