Before Zane can deoxygenate the room, I invade his mind and convince him to take on Dmitri. If only we could use our creature side, then things would be much more interesting, espically with the wolves and dragons. Their instincts are especially strong. because they are so animalistic and more connected with their inner beast than rest of us. Though we have equal genes there's something stronger, more powerful and determined in the wolves and dragons. Their considered ancients and they have more battle inside of them. Well at least that's what Finn said.

Then I get hit by a spark of brilliance. So brilliant it could be mistaken for crazy.

Naturally I act on it. I form an ice dome to shield us then encourage Zane to deoxygenate the room. The effect is crude but needed.

The angels can breathe anywhere, they're fine, but I keep them frozen. Jordan reacted faster than I thought and hid the wolves in a shiny diamond dome. The only ones struggling for breathe are the dragons. No air means no oxygen, and no oxygen means no fire. Simple science I learned from Aliyah.

"Come on Reason." I mutter.

"Melody! Reoxygenate the room!" Ali cried. The panicked tone she used doesn't escape me.

I was holding the angels back purposely, "Finn had said our will to survive is strongest in our magical creature genes."

"That helps how?" Kyle growled.

Aliyah gasped, "I got chills. Mel that's smart!" she then explains what I'm doing to a very confused Kyle.

Reason, Cherry and Anna are on all fours and gasping. I feel horrible but they'll all thank me soon enough, hopefully.

"You can do this." I cross my fingers.

Reason squeezes his eyes tightly then his whole body gave a twitch and suddenly Reason is gone. In his place is a dragon twice the size of a semi truck. His scales are a shiny black, his claws ten times the size of baseball gloves. Then his wings are wide and long. Sharp black plates run from his head to his tail with none on the base of his neck. Overall, pretty awesome for being the first dragon I've ever set my eyes on.

Reason released a mighty roar.

"Yes!" I cheer.

I make Ester reoxygenate the room and bring us out of the ice dome and back to the floor. Water, burnt surfaces and crumblings of rock are everywhere. I shake my hand and the mess disappears.

We crowd together a few yards away from Reason. It makes sense for us to be terrified, I mean the guy just went all dragon. His black eyes find me and shine.

Melody. Reason's voice says in my head.

I grin. We'd read about this. Dragons don't talk through words, they send mind messages. That's interesting because werewolves, mayans and other shapeshifters do talk. Dragons have always been a mysterious species.

I didn't reply right away so Reason took it the wrong way. He made a guttural sound and clumsily backed up.

I laughed trumpetedly and all but skip to Reason. Tilting my head, I say "Roar."

A bunch of black smoke came from Reason's snakey nostrils. I note how beautiful and terrifying he is.

Melody. He says again, snuggling his gaint head in the curve of my neck. I try to forget the huge pointed teeth inches away.

A loud laugh brings my eyes to the doors. An old ex looking patriot stands there. His long white hair is pulled back into a sloppy bun while his white beard is wild and free. He has puffy ruby red cheeks and beady green eyes. A thick diagonal scar goes from his forehead to his left cheek. He wears a tunic, leather jeans and boots with a wide sword hung lazily on his waist. He's actually missing the top half of his right ear. I can't determine if he's fat or merely big boned. Maybe both.

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