P is Punk

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She was the punk rock Queen of my little town. I only knew of her legend because she didn't go to school. Arriving at a friend's backyard keg party just as several police cars pulled in, as they raid the yard, people ran everywhere to get away. A girl with a giant beehive hairdo ran past me yelling "come on!"
I jump into my MGB with the top down and she jumps into the passenger seat. We drive away feeling pretty lucky. As we are chatting, she pulls the hairdo right off and it's a giant wig! She had eggplant colored hair, pasty white makeup and reeked of Aveda. I love Aveda.
A week later, my friend William (it was his party) tells me she wants my number and that her name is "A"
We end up dating. We go see my first Fugazi show, which isn't much of a show because the Fire Marshal kicks us all out and we have to listen from the outside. (Years later I run into Ian Mackeye and he tells me it was the lonliest show he'd ever done)
On Thanksgiving, we go for a little car ride before dinner at my parent's house. As I'm doing donuts on the baseball field in the schoolbus yellow MGB, the throttle sticks wide open and we are seriously making some larger and larger circles, dirt and rocks flying everywhere. It must have looked like a small tornado from the road, and perhaps that's what the sheriff came to investigate once I'd killed the ignition and stopped the car.
"A" breaks up with me and four months later insists that I still take her to prom. I had the only date that has both a child and a tattoo. We win a ton of prizes at the casino night my school is hosting as my mate has some of the raffles rigged. We make out like bandits. "A" keeps every single prize... I'm in love.
A few weeks later I can't get ahold of her before I leave for boot camp. Her mom tells me she's getting married to the guy she's been with for a long time and that he's in the Army.

P is Punk RockWhere stories live. Discover now