Chapter 20 ~ Another Happy Ending

Start from the beginning

Once Chad dropped Aiden and Adham off, he parked into the absolutely massive garage, filled with an assortment of other sports cars and convertibles. Chad and Nathaniel, still keeping Katelyn and I close to his chest, stepped out. Nathaniel followed Chad through the massive house, keeping us out of sight of the few wandering maids. We ended up in front of a door, which I recognized as Chad's bedroom, having been here a few days ago. Only a few days ago... jeez time sure goes slowly while being kept captive in a bird cage.

"Hey Ém your suitcase is still in here and uh.." Chad trailed off.

"We weren't sure if you were still in the mood to stay," Nathaniel finished quietly.

Even though he tried his best to sound neutral about it, I could tell Nathaniel was sad. I for one wanted nothing more than to go back home and sleep in my own bed, but there were some things we needed to talk about.

"Yeah I uh, I think that would be best. But can head home later tonight!" I smiled up at him, and he offered a small smile in return.

"Oof yeah no I need to get home like, now. The folks will be wondering where I am," Katelyn spoke up.

"Oh ok, well I could take you back," Chad offered.

"Oh I don't know if—" I started.

"Yes please!" Katelyn interrupted.

I quirked a brow at her, but decided not to tell her about Chad and I's history. That would only be throwing him under the bus and making Katelyn even more scared. Besides, he's proven pretty well that he's changed. We exchanged quick goodbyes and decided that I could sleep over with her tonight, as I was still suspended and didn't feel like confronting Todd just yet. Nathaniel handed her off to Chad and the two left.

"He's making up for the way he treated you," Nathaniel noted as he came to sit on the massive bed.

"Yeah I figured," I laughed lightly. "He is definitely... better," I admitted.

"Yeah," Nathaniel said softly, sitting back on the satin pillows and holding me a few inches away from his face. "Do you want to talk about... about... I mean I imagine it's traumatic t-to have to see him again you know."

"Yeah it wasn't great, I—" I hiccuped. "I don't know. I don't think it was as bad as when I was kept at that lab. I-I was much more alone there... here I at Charlie at least," I managed a small smile. "Actually I don't really want to talk about this, I need to tell you something else."

Nathaniel's brows furrowed, but he gave a slight nod.


"Well when you first brought up the kids, before Chad took you away, I had planned to... well in all honestly I had planned to break up with you at the end of the week," I said quickly.


"Let me finish. I said I HAD planned!"

Nathaniel snapped his mouth shut, though he still looked like he wanted to speak. 

"It's just that when you brought up kids it made me realize that it's virtually impossible for us. I had thought we could adopt, but that would mean that one of us would have to move and, I don't think you'd be able to make a life on Earth without an ID or social security number or... well without anything really. And I didn't think I'd be able to live here with you. Well I mean yeah I could but, that would mean having to rely on you for everything! And I thought that wasn't fair for either of us but, I had a lot of time to think while I was... away," I winced, the bruises on my sides throbbing with the phantom touch of Lewis' grip. "And I realized that maybe relying on you wouldn't be so bad. I love you, so much. And I'd do anything to make you happy. So if you're willing to try and make a life with me here, than I'm ready to give my life up. For you," I finished, looking up at him.

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