Chapter 4 ~ Stay Calm

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Nathaniel's eyes were wide, meaning he was conscious. And feeling every bit of pain. I took a calming breath. I needed to stay calm, despite how badly I wanted to scream, cry and punch something. Stay. Calm.

"Nathaniel, can you hear me? And can you say something for me?"

"I think I might have a booboo," he gave a pained smirk.

I let out a sigh of relief. He was ok. Well, ok enough to speak anyways. I smiled at him.

"Well no duh! Can you try sitting up for me?"

Nathaniel propped his elbows up behind him, but gasped in pain as he tried to push himself off the ground.

"That's ok, don't hurt yourself even more," I whispered lightly and gently pushed him back down.

Dad always said to remain calm in situations like this. At least one person has to keep their head, but what was I supposed to do? I don't know how to fix his wound or anything. I looked around to make sure that no one else was around.

"Ok Nathaniel, I can't take you to a hospital here, so have any ideas?

Before he could answer, his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"Shoot," I muttered.

Well at least now he wasn't feeling any pain. I got up and pulled out shards of glass from my shins. The cuts were bleeding a bit, but I couldn't care less at the moment. I paced the driveway, trying to think. Maybe I could call one of his friends? I'm sure they'd know what to do. I crouched down beside him again and rummaged through his pockets. I found his wallet, his house keys. Wait how did these things get smaller with him— not right now Émelie you need to focus!
I looked through his other pocket and found his phone. I quickly typed in his password, 1734, and looked through his contacts. I only knew two of his friends, Aiden and Chad, so I called Aiden first, obviously.

"Hey this is Aiden, leave a message. Or don't, you do you."

Great. That left Chad. He was my last hope, Chad. Chad was my last hope. I really didn't want him to pick up, but I knew that was stupid. The phone started ringing.

"Hey, having fun babysitting?" he snickered.

I was both relieved and annoyed that he picked up. Did he say babysitting? I had a feeling I knew what he meant. I suppressed a groan and replied.

"Chad it's me."

"Oh... Émelie, hiiiiii. Um forget what I said before it's just a joke please don't hate-"

"Not right now, I need your help."

"Ok, with what?"

"Well Nathaniel is hurt and unconscious, and I don't know what to do."

"Oh shit that's not good. Just call an ambulance and hide somewhere when they come over," Chad said matter of factly.

"I can't do that! He's at my place right now and I don't think the giant hospital would be able to take care of him right now,"

There was a pause.

"Nathaniel is there? Are you high or something? How could Nathaniel possibly be at your place."

"Oh... you don't know," I whispered, realization dawning on me.

"What do I not know?"

"Um, I'll explain more later. But Nathaniel is human sized and he's kind of bleeding out and I he needs a hospital but he can't go to one and I don't know what to do! I took a breath hating the words about to come out of my mouth. "Chad, please I really need your help."

"Oh, ok. Ok. Ok! What the fuck? He never told me any of this, but yeah ok! I'm always the one getting him out of shit!"

"Chad, I need you to stay calm please."

"I am calm!" he yelled in a girlish scream.

I bit back a retort and continued.

"Do you have any ideas? Cause I can't take him to the human hospital, and he obviously can't go to a giant hospital."

"Can't he just make himself big again?"

I thought back to the time I brought Nathaniel to a skate park. He didn't want to try anything too 'dangerous' in fear of getting hurt and being stuck at human size. I remember laughing and calling him a baby. I certainly wasn't laughing now.

"No, not when he's injured," I replied.

There was another pause, when Chad continued.

"My parents recently partnered with a vet company and made this robot. It's supposed to be able to perform surgery on smaller rodents, it's a bit embarrassing for him but it could work."

"Yeah you're right that could work, I'll hold off the bleeding and meet you in the woods."

"Wait, the woods are a pretty big place, where exactly are we meeting?"

"You're a pretty big guy, I'll find you."

"Haha," he said before hanging up.

I quickly took off my flannel and wrapped it around Nathaniel's abdomen. I yelped as I cut myself on a shard of glass sticking out of his stomach. I wanted to take it out, knowing how much pain it was causing him. But I knew that would only increase the bleeding. I ran into the house and grabbed Todd's car keys off the counter. I ran back out and unlocked the car. I didn't have a license, apparently I 'drove too aggressively' so I would just have to hope I don't get stopped by police. I debated on wether or not to wake Nathaniel up, but decided against it. He could use the rest. I threw my suitcase into the back before carefully lifting Nathaniel up. I couldn't lift him up all the way, so his feet were dragging along the driveway. Probably not the best thing for his shoes. I'll have to pay him back for that later. I buckled him in the shot gun and drove off, well under the speed limit.

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