
36 13 19

I'm wondering if I should publish a new book... tell me what y'all think.

*beep* *beep*
"Ugh... what time is it?" I groaned and yawned. I heard a small 'shut up' from the angel beside me. I shook him a little while stopping the alarm. "Good morning" he said, rubbing his eyes while yawning. I nuzzled my face on the crook of his neck and my hand roamed around his bare chest. He pressed soft kisses on my forehead. "I wish this last forever..." he sighed. "Nothing lasts forever you know..." I whispered out, getting a bit sad. He wiped away a drop of tear from his face and smiled. "Let me go make breakfast." "You always do that, Taehyung." "What? Are you gonna make breakfast then?" he chuckled and got up. "Get this shirt on or my sister's gonna ask if we fu-" I threw a pillow at him while hiding my face. He laughed while walking towards the kitchen. He's gonna leave... soon... far away from me... he's gonna wake up in someone else's arms. My chest got heavy with undefinable feelings. No, we aren't lovers... we are just friends... but I want to keep him as close as I can. I want him to know what he means to me. I want... I want so much from so many people... "Bitch you comin' or nah?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Geez Tae, let me sleep a bit more." "I'm working the ass out for you, so you better come" I crawled and rolled to the kitchen. "Thanks for mopping the floor with one of my favorite shirts." He rolled his eyes. "Dude stop blasting HOME in the morning" he started singing with the song to annoy me even more. I walked away while glaring. I widened my eyes, "FUCK!"

That's it.

See you in the next chapter!

*flips hair dramatically*

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