Chapter 2: The Purge

Start from the beginning

"Hey," I yelled in hopes to get him to turn around so I could see who it was and it worked he spun around and then his face faded from anger to a smirk.

"Katrina, what are you doing here? Come here darling," CT said which caused everyone to be confused. I ran across the backyard and jumped up and hugged him.

"Christopher you didn't tell me you would be here. Wait are you who they keep calling CT and that they say is scary," I asked him as he put me down to which he chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, Kitty Kat I am who they call CT. But seriously what are you doing here you're really nice and this season is supposed to be all mean people," CT said. At this point, most people were over around us listening to the conversation as if trying to figure out how the two of us know each other before Hunter stepped up and asked to speak to me which I nodded and then looked at CT.

"You can take my spot in the veteran guys' room I moved out last night because they weren't very nice and made me feel unsafe or you can move into the room with myself and the other guys your choice Christopher and before you give me that look yes I will be calling you Christopher," I said causing him to chuckle and shake his head while picking up his bags and following Hunter and me to the bedroom before leaving and going back outside. "Now, what were you worrying about and wanted to talk to me about," I said to Hunter.

"I just wanted to know how you know CT and how you guys are so close," he asked me which made me laugh because he looked worried about what my answer was going to be.

"I'm his cousin. I didn't know he was going to be here because like as you know I call him Christopher and never really thought about him being called CT. But ya know he's family and one of my closest cousins so we are practically siblings if that wasn't expressed by what just happened. If they need a vacation from the north they come to hang out with me in the south at the house in the countryside where I live in Texas," I said which caused him to sigh and then look at me and smile before shaking his head.

"I can't believe that you are practically siblings but related. He's so massive and you are so tiny. But either way being close to him helps you stay a little bit safe but you've got to be careful because he can be painted a target as well because of his size and his brain," Hunt warned me while I nodded to show that I understood what he meant.

"I get you and I probably shouldn't have reacted that way outside either because that makes it seem like we know each other really well which is true but I don't want a target painted on my back because my cousin is a powerhouse name in the challenge. I already have one because I'm a rookie. Either way Hunt I still got your back and now I have some else that I know that I can have to help protect us. If that's okay with you. Also, can I ask you something, Hunt," I asked him and he nodded?

"Yes, I'm okay with you asking him to protect myself as well but I don't think we will need it unless one of us can't win power but I hope we do. Anyways ask what you would like and I'll do my best to answer it," Hunt said with a smile.

"Can I have a hug? I mean you can say no I just miss having physical contact with people and I just really—" I was cut off when I was wrapped up by Hunter into a hug. He chuckled as I shut up and then hugged him back. I giggled and then released myself from the hug. "Sorry I told you I ramble when I'm nervous," I said with a giggle causing him to chuckle at me, and then we decided to make our way back outside to see everyone else. As soon as we got outside Cara Marie and Christopher (CT) came up to me.

"Hey Kitty Kat can we talk with you inside," CT said to me. I smiled at him and looked at Hunter who nodded his head as if saying go. I went inside with Cara Marie and CT to see what they wanted. "So we wanted to ask you what's going on with you and Mr. TYB," CT said to me which caused Cara Marie to elbow him.

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