*The next day*

It turned out that the princesses were fine. So you and Sora went to Twilight Town to visit. "Hey Sora!" Hayner said waving. "Hey there!" Sora said smiling. "It's so nice to see you guys! Why don't we all get some ice cream?" Olette said smiling. "Sounds good to me!" You said. You haven't had ice cream in a while. "I'll buy it for you." Roxas said. "Oh you don't..." Sora began but it was too late. Roxas had already left. "How is he so fast?!" Sora asked frowning. "I got you a special ice cream. It is really good!" Roxas said holding the white and yellow ice cream. You grabbed your cone and Sora grabbed his. "Let's go to the clock tower." Xion said smiling. You sat down on the very top. (A/N: Where Sora and Kairi were sitting in the end of three.) "Is it lemon flavor?" You asked looking at it. Everyone ditched the two of you. "Where did everyone go?! Why do they always leave us?! This is like those weird Troom Troom videos! If you want to ditch a friend....get them ice cream!" Sora asked confused. He dropped his ice cream by accident. You could hear someone scream. You looked down to see Roxas. "Would you like some of mine? I haven't tried it yet." You called out to him. "No!" He said frowning. "Here Sora you can have..." You began but yet again Roxas cut you off. "But you both have to have one. It's the only way for your...." Xion covered his mouth. "Roxas it's a secret." She said frowning. "Then let's buy another one then." Sora said smiling. You really wanted to try this lemon ice cream. So Sora ran to buy some more only to find out it doesn't exist. He was trying to catch his breath and said. "I-It doesn't exist..." Sora said frowning. "Where did Roxas get it?" You asked looking down. He wasn't there anymore. Everything was getting stranger and stranger. You and Sora went out to lunch only your meal was free. And there was some people playing really weird music. You could hear people say things like "How romantic." Or "Aw! That's so sweet. He took her out to lunch." Two penguin waiters came back with a red velvet heart shaped cake. This wasn't your dessert. The two of you didn't even order one. "Excuse me...but we didn't get this." You said frowning. "It's free. When you order the sweetheart special." They said. "Sweetheart special? But we didn't get that." Sora was surprised. "No someone payed the bill for you." One said looking at someone sitting at a far away table. This special meal cost so much and apparently Kairi had the cash to buy it. "Who?" You asked frowning.

It took him long enough but Sora finally caught on. Everything was weird lately. Even when you visited the princesses. The talking snowman was going on and on about love. It was almost like someone was in love with you. And everyone saw it. But who was it? You knew a lot of people so who could it be? And why didn't he see who loves you?! "Is it Riku? Or maybe even Ven?" Sora thought looking at you from time to time. There was no way that you could answer this question. Because you still didn't understand what was going on. Then it happened Vanitas kidnapped you but it failed. You were in keyblade graveyard and you beat him up. "Now to take off your weird power ranger mask and let me see your face!" You said trying to take it off. However he jumped back up and wanted to fight you still. "Oh come on! Just let me see your face! You can't be that ugly!" You said getting back into your fighting position. "I'm not ugly." "Then show me your face please!" You said frowning. "I look like the person that is crushing on you." He said. "Someone has a crush on me?!" You asked blushing. No one had ever liked you. So he had to be lying about all of this. "You are lying! No one likes me! Quit tricking me!" You yelled charging at him. "Ha Ha! You are in denial! You like Sora." Vanitas said jumping back. "Who doesn't it's Sora! Everyone likes Sora!" You said frowning. "____ there you are!" Sora yelled joining you. "Sorry I don't feel like fighting against a power couple." Vanitas said disappearing into a dark portal. Leaving you confused. Sora looked at you to make sure you weren't hurt. "___ you're bleeding!" Sora said frowning. "Oh will you look at that." You said looking at yourself. You didn't hurt that much. But Sora picked you up. "I can walk. It isn't that bad..." You said frowning. "Yeah but you're hurt. I think that we should probably get you to somewhere safe. There's heartless here..." He said blushing. When Vanitas kidnapped you it made him worry about your heart. Not to mention your safety. He realized that he loved you. But he didn't know exactly what love is. He had learned some things about love. "I can take care of some heartless! Remember when we fought Aqua in the dark realm. We can handle anything!" You said smiling. It was true the two of you made a good team. Ever since you lost your island. You had been by his side helping him. No before that. To be honest when you lost your heart during the battle it scared him so much. When you weren't by his side....it hurt. It was a kind of hurt that was hard to accept. In fact he was pretty sure that hurt left a scar on his heart. He couldn't believe that someone like you could do that to him... "You're not in shape to be helping me. And if you can't help me....then we can't go on adventures together." Sora said frowning. "I guess so." You said not wanting to argue with him. As soon as the two of you were to the tower. Everyone was freaking out. You thought it was because you were hurt. Maybe that was part of it. But Sora finally knew that it was because he was holding you close. You would get better he knew that you would be by his side again soon. And maybe soon he would tell you how he cares for you. But first he had to learn more about love. "Sora where are you going?" You asked him before he could open the door. He had just finished breakfast with you. "I have somethings to take care of." Sora said looking serious. You got out of bed. "Okay let's go then." You said frowning when you fell down. He helped you up. "I'm sorry but this is really important." Sora said blushing. "Oh...it's so important that I can't come?" You said frowning. "It's not like that at all. It's just...I don't want you to get hurt." He said. "Is it the darkness?" You asked. "No it's nothing like that." He said frowning. "Please be careful..." You said frowning. "I will." He said kissing you gently on the cheek. You were confused about what just happened. So you said your good byes and you looked out the window. To see a gummi ship fly away. "I'm going to find out more about love!" Sora said summoning his keyblade and opened a pathway. This was all for ___. He had to make sure that she was his one and only.

Sora x reader ones shots (Taking requests!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora