Happily Ever After

Start from the beginning

It was extremely high up and she was terrified of heights, but her eyes darted around for anything she could grip to help her scale down the building. The sound of a lock turning and the door opening, made her eyes go wide in terror as she needed to come up with a plan immediately.

Jason walked into the bedroom, his foot guiding the door shut behind him, and turning back around momentarily so that he could relock the door. A tray held against his chiseled abs with one hand, containing an assortment of breakfast foods and two cups of coffee, as well as a shot glass with two ibuprofen tablets. His eyes falling immediately upon the empty bed, and then directly over to the open door of balcony where she stood very clearly stricken with fear.

"Elizabeth..." he said slowly and as gently as possible as he took careful steps in her direction, placing the tray on top of the dresser as he passed it so his hands could be freed. "Calm down, you're okay." his hands slowly going up in the air in front of his chest in a non aggressive manner.

"Stay away from me you psycho!" She shouted, no longer caring to cover the bleeding hole in her arm as both hands went onto the railing, contemplating whether or not she should just try to risk the jump and knowing ultimately it would not end well for her.

His eyes hardened at the word psycho as well as due to her threatening pose as if she was going to jump. "Get away from the railing." his voice deep and commanding, immediately making her shrink into a crouch, however not releasing her grip on the metal bar.

"Leave me alone!" her body beginning to tremble as her fight or flight instinct was starting to kick in. "I'll jump! I swear to Go-" her body once again started to rise, but she was immediately cut off with how rapidly he descended upon her and ripped her up from her partial crouching position.

He threw her like a ragdoll into the bedroom, where she skidded across the wooden floor, which was well polished as well, this apparent from how far she actually slid. Jason stormed in behind her slamming the sliding glass door back in a closed position and locking it with a key. Turning around, his face displaying the purest form of anger, his eyes pitch black.

"Don't you fucking ever threaten me." his deep voice dripping in his anger, reaching her from behind clenched teeth with a pulsating jaw. "Am I clear?" He was trying to control his breathing, his tight bulging chest, rising and falling in slow measured breaths.

She looked up at him with wide eyes, hands splayed out on the floor in front of herself, shock set in at how easily he threw her as if she was a piece of trash blowing in the wind. Not being able to utter a word, and wondering how a day like yesterday could be followed by one like today. He was not the same person he presented himself as, he was undoubtedly a monster. A sick twisted man, most likely bored from being so rich and having to find his pleasures in bizarre terrifying ways.

"I said, am I clear?!" he bellowed at her, quick steps approaching her so that he was now looking down at her with a hard stare, intimidation being a clear tactic he was utilizing right now.

"Y-yes.." she said, as tears began to well up in her eyes, staring up at the tall man who was so wracked with muscle that a real fear of imminent harm began to overwhelm her. "W-why are y-you doing this?" the tears now streaming down her face as the tip of her nose grew rosey from the distress this entire situation was putting her through.

He stared down at her still, internally he felt his heart pang at the sight of her tears, but his whole aura was still giving off an overwhelming turbulent presence. He'd rather her be scared and crying, than have her threatening to do something that would without a doubt hurt her. After a couple of blinks and a moments silence, his eyes began to fade back to green and he looked away, no longer able to continue watching her cry.

"I made you breakfast." his voice lowering, in a quieter tone than its normal depth. Choosing to completely ignore her question. He stepped away from her and back to the tray he placed on the dresser. He was going to have her sit out on the balcony and eat under the warmth of the sun at the cute little table he had out there, but she went and fucked up that idea. Now, she would be eating in the bedroom, and would have to utilize the little coffee table that was neatly tucked in between the decorative plush chairs off to the side of the room.

"L-look, you can l-let me go. I w-won't tell anyone, and I'll just leave you know...I'll go to the next state, or I'll go back home. Just p-please let me go." she moved herself onto her knees and looked up to him pleadingly, begging for mercy from this clearly unstable man.

"This is your home now, and you won't be leaving. And you most assuredly will not be going back to where you came from." he said firmly, placing the tray down and snapping his fingers followed by a point directing for her to sit in the chair and begin eating. While he did like the vision of her on her knees, he did not appreciate the context.

"Please, I have a family..My dog... I-I h-have a b-boyfriend. I have to g-go-" she began begging, slowly moving forward on her knees, too afraid to stand.

His eyes snapped over to her, and he began to clench his jaw again. Her heart rate was already running a mile a minute, but increased just a hair at the mention of having a boyfriend indicating she was stretching the truth, this only further validated by their conversation yesterday which was in direct contradiction.

"Lies are unbecoming. They also come with consequences.I will ignore it this one time, but do not do it again." Another snap of his fingers with the same measured point directing her to sit once again. "Eat."

"You have to let me go!" she said finally reaching him and weakly grabbing at his wrist, attempting to garner some type of sympathy from him through gentle touch, the sheer power of the electricity between the two of them even more amplified at their strained emotions.

Her touch resulting in him clenching his fingers into a fist with a marked annoyance, as she couldn't even listen to the most basic of commands, ignoring the warmth shooting up his arm as this was not the sensation he wanted to feel in light of the current situation.

"I will not say it again. Eat."

Her hands dropped to her sides lamely as she began to stare off into the distance in defeat. Slowly lifting herself to her feet and going through the motions, no thoughts running through her head and becoming numb from the very depth of her core. She placidly sat down in front of the tray and grabbed the cup of coffee, and let the mug rest idly between her hands.

Jason grabbed the other cup and sat across from her, his eyes watching her intently as he took a slow sip from the beverage.

Ahhh, peace and quiet. How nice.


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