Chapter 16

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Rey's revelation shook her to her core as she tried to avoid Kylo Ren for the next few days, needing time alone to think. However, he made it impossible as he appeared everywhere she did within minutes, being amiable at a distance as if he didn't want to spook her – always changing the subject whenever she brought up the topics of returning home or Ben. When she refused to speak to him or acknowledge his presence in protest as she made herself comfortable around his home, he spoke for both of them, telling her stories of his travels and other parts of his life growing up. And even though she didn't respond to him, he didn't seem to mind as long as she was in hearing distance and near him.

Eventually, Rey couldn't help herself in responding to him by laughing at something funny he said or the tears that fell as her heart broke on more than one occasion when he spoke about his childhood, hating how captivated she was with each tale because of the way he was able to draw her in with his storytelling abilities. Each day it grew more difficult in not responding to him, but one day she did, and it broke her heart for an entirely different reason. The way his face lit up when she spoke to him for the first time in days reminded her of how similar the two brothers were, and it made her long for Ben.

Rey thought of never leaving her room, the only place he never entered, to save herself from the heartache of being near Kylo Ren, but she couldn't for one reason. If she weren't pregnant, it would have been easier to remain in the room she was given, but hunger always won out, and she was not going to deprive herself of the nutrients her baby needed to develop within her. She often found herself in the kitchen to find something to eat, surprised when she found plates of food or snacks readily available when she arrived – grateful she had yet to experience morning sickness. During one particularly delicious meal, where Kylo Ren joined her yet again, she wanted to thank the chef and asked him to send her compliments to whoever had been cooking for her, taken aback when he stated he was the one cooking each meal for them. Amazed by yet another ability of his, she thanked him, thinking her protest and avoidance of him juvenile, and thus, starting a cordial friendship between the two.

Unfortunately, the hunger for food wasn't the only craving her pregnancy brought forth. Rey often found her panties damp due to explicit dreams when she woke every morning, the need to be filled sometimes overwhelming during the day. And it certainly did not help that Kylo Ren often walked around his home half-naked with sweatpants hung low on his hips or his pants unbuttoned – displaying his rippling physique. His body resembled Ben's so much, she often found herself back in her room to touch herself at the thought of Ben's hands on her, moaning his name as she came, and then crying when she realized how much she missed him.

Wiping at the tears that fell as she sat in the semi-darkness of the gardens to enjoy the cool air against her heated skin, Rey rubbed her growing belly as she remembered the first time she and Ben had sex months ago, resulting in her current state. A watery laugh escaped her at the crazy situations she had been put through after meeting Ben and how, now, she was stuck with his twin brother, pregnant, and horny beyond belief.

A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the way he ate her out like a starved man the first time they came together, causing her to squirm in her seat as she felt herself grow wet. Rey was about to stand to return to her room for another masturbation session when a light on the second floor that overlooked the garden switched on. She gasped when a freshly showered and a completely nude Kylo Ren strode through his room with his erection jutting out in front of him, bobbing with each step he took.

They even have similar dicks... Size and all...

Rey watched in morbid fascination as he opened his nightstand and pulled out an object, pouring copious amounts of the clear liquid on his hand before throwing the bottle on his bed then moving to face her as his other hand pressed onto the glass window above his head. He let the liquid fall onto his cock before his hand wrapped around himself as he closed his eyes, his hand moving up and down his length as his mouth fell open – the same way Ben's often did when she took him into her mouth. She knew she had to look away, but the way his neck strained and his chest heaved with his pleasure reminded her of how Ben looked when he was inside of her.

When his legs started to buckle, his eyes snapped open and met hers. With a curse, Rey averted her eyes and turned in her seat away from the view of his room and the house, startled he knew she was out in the gardens when there was no light to indicate where she was as she berated herself.

What am I doing watching Kylo Ren masturbate!? I am engaged to Ben! I love Ben! Kylo Ren is not the reason I fell in love with Ben. They may be similar in many ways, but they are not the same person.

Tears fell down her cheeks, feeling disgusted with herself, and jumped in her seat when a deep voice whispered against her ear.

"Did you enjoy the show, sweetheart?"

She spun to face a half-naked and smirking Kylo Ren, but his smug expression changed to worry when he noticed her tears.

"Rey, what's wrong?"

"Please... Just let me return to Ben. You think I might fall in love with you because you have the same face as him, but I know my feelings won't change. I love Ben, and all I want right now is to return to his side, be in his arms."

Kylo Ren sighed, his hands cupping her face to wipe away the tears. "Kiss me."


"Kiss me and see if you feel anything. Don't deny it, but there is a connection between us. If you feel anything after one kiss, stay with me longer and see where things can lead. If you feel nothing, I'll return you to my brother, tonight."

Kneeling, he shut his eyes and waited for her to make the first move as she stared at his features, so similar to Ben's, and smiled as a similar scenario flashed through her head, but with a completely different person.

"I fucking love you, Rey. I thought I loved you before I even met you, but this connection between us, that I know you feel too, only made me realize I didn't just love the idea of you, I love the real you!"

"I can't, and you're not wrong. I do feel a connection with you and can see myself loving you... but not as you want, not as a man. I can love you with all of my heart... as a brother and nothing more. You've shared so much with me about your past that I'm sure you have not shared with another, and my heart breaks for you, but I am not the woman who can help you heal from your wounds. However, Ben and I can become the family you longed to find, to be with. As a family, we can help you heal and hopefully help you find the woman who will love you unconditionally and without all of this kidnapping nonsense."

Kylo Ren opened his eyes slowly with a chuckle and a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I can... accept that. If only I were quicker, then maybe you would have loved me as a man first instead of my brother."

"Maybe, but this is the way it is. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, sweetheart. I am sorry for putting you through this. Perhaps, some day, the love I feel for you will turn... brotherly..."

Rey cupped both of his cheeks in her hands and kissed his forehead. "I would love to have you as my brother."

Smiling up at Rey, Kylo Ren covered her hands with his. "This might be the only time I'll have to confess this, but... From the first moment I saw you and even now as you reject me, I love you, Rey."

The pair froze when a click of a gun sounded beside them as they slowly turned to stare down the barrel of one.


Ben snuck around to the back of the mansion and smiled with relief when he spotted Rey, safe and alive, but his vision soon turned red. Making sure his presence wasn't detected, he made his way slowly to his brother and Rey's side until he heard Kylo Ren's confession of love.

Motherfucker is in love with my woman!

When he heard the sound of a gun cocking, he froze as a large, dark figure pointed a gun at the pair.

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