Chapter 5: Realizations

Start from the beginning

"Alright then." Naruto scowled, Hisashi didn't even flinch, knowing the blonde-haired wouldn't hurt him. 

"I take your choice to be marriage?" Hisashi asked.

"Yes." Was all he said, his face in a frown.

"Good, I'll file the paperwork, and I'll call for a meeting soon so we can talk about the date of the wedding."

Hisashi talked with an indifferent face, but internally, he was grinning ear to ear. The wife of the Hokage-to-be would be a Hyuuga, Hanabi Hyuuga, daughter of the clan head Hisashi Hyuuga. Now Hisashi would have two useful daughters.

Since Naruto had no reason to be here anymore he left, too in his own thoughts to even notice the attempts of a shy, purple-haired girl trying to talk to him. He just walked right past her, out of the building, and past the gates. He wondered how the Konoha 12 would react to him getting married before all of them, and he hadn't even been in a relationship prior.

Well, at least the council would stop asking him to find someone to rebuild his clan with. Though he would have to have a proper talk with Hanabi about that, he wasn't going to force her to do anything, and if she didn't want to have any kids then they wouldn't.

Just the thought of this whole thing happening had put a blush on the shinobi's face. He couldn't say he'd thought of this scenario with any other girl but Sakura before, so the thought of this really happening was a bit weird. So, feeling tired and wanting to have a day to rest, Naruto walked back to his new home, the cold breeze of the night starting to come through.


Hanabi didn't have much to do after Naruto left, since this wasn't her house and she didn't know what would be overstepping her boundaries. But then again, she might be staying here soon, so she decided to explore the house. Entering the kitchen, she wasn't surprised by what she saw, nothing. It was completely bare, the counters had nothing on them but dishes, pots, and pans, plus the cabinets were empty. It was to be expected since he'd moved into this house less than a day ago.

Suddenly, Hanabi had an idea, she could make dinner for Naruto, since he had gone out of his way to try and help her, Hanabi left the house and went to buy some groceries for the house. She'd decided to make for Naruto. 

"It's the least I could do." She told herself.

Hanabi did not know too much about cooking but then again, how hard could it be? She'd didn't have something specific in mind, just a stew of some sort. But all she'd need was some vegetables and meat. Then she could just cook it, and boom, that's how you make stew, right?

Upon grabbing and paying for the ingredients at a store, she started to make her way back to Naruto's house. But on her way back, she saw something that made her heart wrench. She saw Konohamaru and Moegi. Usually, if she'd saw them, Hanabi would just brush it off and be in a bad mood for a few hours. But what made her heart wrench was what they were doing.

They both were currently walking down the road she was, too focused on each other to notice her, they both were holding hands and talking. Both of them had bright smiles on their faces, and they looked happy.

Hanabi guessed that they were now in a relationship since friends didn't normally hold hands. She felt tears well up in her eyes but refused to let them fall, she couldn't let this upset her, not when she was probably going to be married soon. So she ran, not wanting them to see them any longer. Having crushes that didn't feel the same must've run in the family. She reached the house pretty soon since she ran, the groceries still in her hand. 

'At least I have Naruto.' She thought.

That thought made her pause, she didn't have Naruto. Naruto was only marrying her out of pity because he didn't want her to be disowned. If that clan rule hadn't been in effect, what would happen to the night they spent together? Sure, they both couldn't remember it, but that didn't change the fact that they'd been each other's firsts.

Would Naruto just pretend it didn't happen? Would she pretend it didn't happen? This whole thought just made her even more saddened. 

Normally people her age, whether they be shinobi or just civilians, had at least one boyfriend. But Hanabi hadn't had any, and to make matters worst, she hadn't even got to remember what her first time felt like. She hoped she enjoyed it, she hoped it wasn't uncomfortable, that it was pleasant.

Arriving back at the house, Hanabi walked to the kitchen, grabbed a pot, put it on the stove, and proceeded to throw the ingredients into it. 


Once Naruto got home, he smelt something cooking along with a smell of something burning.

"Hanabi? Are you here?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen, and there she was at the stove. She appeared to be mixing something.

"Hello, Naruto-kun, did you have any luck with my father?" She asked, her eyes filled with hope. Naruto couldn't bring himself to talk about it, so he just nodded. Hanabi's shoulder's slumped. So it was official, she was going to marry Naruto. If she had to be honest, she still couldn't properly wrap her head around the idea of being married.

"What's that smell?" Naruto asked. Hanabi perked up a little when he asked.

"Dinner, I decided to cook you something before I went back to the compound." She said, proud of herself for cooking something.

"Really?! You didn't have to do that, thanks Hanabi!" Naruto's face brightened, he hadn't had a home-cooked meal before. Hanabi put some of the stew in a bowl, and Naruto sat down at the dining table and began to eat it.

"How is it?" She asked curiously.

Naruto just looked like he was holding something in. The stew was utterly terrible. Naruto didn't want to spit it out, as it would be disrespectful and would probably upset Hanabi, so he swallowed it, though it took a while.

"It's great! The best thing I've ever tasted!" Naruto lied.

"Really? That's good then." Hanabi let a small smile grace her face, which made Naruto feel bad that he was lying to her. Hanabi made her way to the door.

"Thank's again, Naruto-kun. I can't express how grateful I am that you're doing this for me." She bowed.

"Don't worry about it." Naruto said, and Hanabi left the house. Now, he had a whole pot of disgusting stew.

He wouldn't throw it away, because she made it for him. She'd put her heart into that food and he wouldn't waste it. So, Naruto forced himself to eat the entire pot, on his own. After he was done, he was in the bathroom for a while. Once all that was over, Naruto promptly went to the bedroom, and collapsed on his bed.

While Hanabi, had some news to break to her older sister. 

A Mistake Not Meant to Bear Fruit [Naruto x Hanabi]Where stories live. Discover now