a s-stoner?!

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The smell of weed seemed to come closer and closer till Jay had to cough, he had weak lungs. He then heard a mans voice behind him, "Hey," he nearly jumped out of the swing he was sat in. He quickly turned around and stood up. The smell of weed was nearly unbearable for Jay. "whats a catboy like you doing around this area of town??" asked the stranger. "U-Um w-who even are you??" Jay stuttered, "Ben." the guy said and winked. "A-am i supposed to know who that is?" Jay asked interrogating him. Jay smith took two steps away wondering what this man wanted with him. Ben completely ignored his question,"So.... you smoke??" he asked Jay. "N-No! Nya~~" he shouted, oh shit he thought, he'd said it.

Ben giggled to himself, "that was obvious, I saw you coughing earlier" he laughed, "also what on earth was that noise earlier." Ben very much enjoyed that noise Jay had made but he tried to hide that. "N-NOTHING!!" Jay said blushing red. "Oh shit don't shout at me catboy" Ben said. At that moment Jay realised he was stoned, his eyes looked very red. "You seem to enjoy those drinks? What are they called?" he slowly ready the label, "Mon.. Monst, Monster energy?". "Haha yeah, i'm kinda addicted.." Jayden explained.

Ben picked up the can, "Mango loco.." he read "well you are making me a bit mango loco right now".
Jayden Jay Smith blushed like crazy, at that moment he didn't know what to do. Roadmen were just his type, but a stoner? that's crazy! Jay took a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote down his snapchat and phone number on it. He shakily gave it to Ben, "UWU🥺🥺"
he accidentally shouted. "I-I have to go" Jay said and ran.
(idk why the font changed dont ask me)

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