Mitch was happy I asked her out. He'd be happy if I asked anyone out. But he also thought I was being a little crazy with the date idea.

Me. The crazy one.

Rich of him to assume that.

But he also thinks the definition of romance is putting the toilet seat down after going for a piss.

Sarah is one lucky girl and I can't wait for her to figure it out.

Things haven't exactly progressed with the Sitch or Marah or whatever you want to call it, situation.

But, Mitch is taking things slow, and I'm going to be a supportive friend, just like he is for me.

My attention is directed onto the radio as the familiar piano begins.

I feel my heart drop to my feet as I realize what song it is.

They're playing Sign Of The Times.

They're playing my song on the radio.

In my peripheral vision I watch Evie turn her head to look at me rather than outside the window at the crowded streets of the city.

Oh those eyes of hers.

"It's a good song." She speaks breaking the silence, a small smile creeping up her lips.

"You think?" I question back. I don't want to come off as arrogant but I agree with her. I'd go as far to say it's my best song.

"Oh yea, definitely. The guy who sings this is pretty talented." She laughs and my shoulders relax a little. I didn't notice how tense I was to begin with.

"Does it get weird? Hearing your songs on the radio? Or even just hearing people speak about you generally?" She shuffles in her seat so she's directly facing me.

Does it?

I don't know what it is, but every time this girl asks me a question, I find myself rethinking everything I thought previously.

Since One Direction first began, I've done countless interviews, been in multiple magazines, seen myself in the news and on TV. And yet I find myself questioning how I really feel about it.

It's just become so normalized in my life that I forget that it isn't normal.

I can't imagine my life any other way.

But it's when I allow myself to really think about it, that's when it gets weird.

When I think about how different my life is to a regular person, to all my old friends back in Holmes Chapel.

It becomes so surreal when I think deeply into it, almost like I'm dreaming and I question myself if I can really be this lucky in life.

Don't get me wrong, there will always be faults to these types of situations, the whole having your life under constant surveillance and the never ending criticism. But I wouldn't give it up.

Not for anything or anyone.

"If I dwell on it too long, then yea I guess it does get weird. It's still so unreal. Each day brings something new, even now, all these years down the line I'm doing things I would've never even dream to experience because I didn't know they existed." I explain, taking a quick glance of Evie, her head leaning against the headrest of my car, one leg crossed over the other and her hands loosely clasped together and resting on her lap.

She looks so effortlessly beautiful.

I focus my eyes back onto the road before I become too encapsulated in her.

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