Bruises and Memories

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Before we start I'd like to say that this is my first time writing for someone else to read. I really hope you like it, and I love feedback of all kinds. Something you should know is that I love to wonder what would happen in this book, so I'm sharing with you just one of my what ifs and trying to add more. If you have suggestions comments or ideas I'd love to hear them all.  Also disclaimer (I think this is how you do it) none of these characters are mine except for Richard. They all belong to the wonderful Shannon Messenger. The art isn't mine either.

He'd gone too far this time. He'd left too many bruises, left them in visible places, and even gone as far as going me a black eye. I wouldn't be able to hide this. 

People would start asking questions. If they ever knew the truth... They'd ask why. I couldn't explain it to anyone if I tried. If I talked, Amy got hurt instead. If anyone found out, me and Amy would most likely be separated from each other. Most kids never saw their siblings again once losing track of them. 

My nosy neighbor, Mr. Forkel, always asked how I was doing. today was no different. "Looks like you had a rough night," he stated. I simply nodded in agreement, as was my custom. His eyebrows knit together in concern. "Are you sure things at your place are alright?" he asked. I gulped, hesitated, then nodded in confirmation. Knowing all the while that the evidence on my face was plain to see. 

I could see the doubt on his face, and puzzlement over my new bruises. Before I had the chance to ease Mr. Forkel's mind my foster dad Richard came out, and glared at Mr. Forkel as if he'd done something wrong. Knowing Richard, it was probably a crime in his eyes. After all any social interaction with anyone meant I might slip. 

Thanks to my constant injuries, bruises, nightmares, and the little sleep I got I was super clumsy. It didn't help that I had two left feet, and was a magnet was trouble. 

When I was younger I tripped on the cement and hit my head. I was in the hospital for a while, and when I woke up I could suddenly get a read on what people were thinking. There was another time in my youth that I blacked out for. I don't remember the reason, only that something had happened. 

I walked inside with my dad trailing behind me. "What did you say to him?" he asked sternly. "I didn't say anything sir. Not a single word, just as instructed." I quickly replied. He nodded in response to my statement. 

I raced upstairs, threw on some clothes, grabbed my phone, and raced out the door. I'd already seen Amy off to the bus, and now I had to race to catch my own. 

Today we were going on a field trip to the museum.  I'd remembered to wear dark clothing to hide in the back like I always did. I'd skipped lots of grades and my classmates were bitter.  Garwin was especially bitter because not only was I way younger and getting better grades then him, but I'd been offered a full ride scholarship to Harvard while his own rejection letter had come a few days before. 

I admired all the exhibits and cases full of dino bones, dinosaurs, and other old artifacts while listening to my music. Suddenly, and without warning Mr. Sweeney called my name. I hadn't been paying attention, so I pulled out my earbuds and paused my music to figure out what he wanted. 

"Since you are above this lecture why don't you give it?" he angrily asked. I sighed called up my photographic memory and recited all the facts I'd read on the card on the way in. With each word that left my mouth my classmates faces grew sourer and sourer. They didn't like their child prodigy.   They called me freak, curve buster, super freak, among other names. It didn't help that just a few days ago some reporter had put an article about me in the paper. It was all because I'd chosen (Richard forced me) to go to the local college over an ivy league college.   

Richard was furious to say the least when he'd heard about it. Not because he cared or anything, but because that it meant more attention on us. By us I mean him. He and his business did a lot of illegal things as far as I know. If there was attention on him someone might see him doing something he usually got away with easily. 

The group moved away going on to the next room to see what awaited them in there. Suddenly I felt eyes on the back of my head. I looked around until my eyes locked with a boy around my age. We stared at each other for a bit. Just my boring chocolate brown eyes fixed onto his unique and beautiful teal eyes.


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