Child Protective Services

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I didn't like the way the boy's piercing teal eyes scanned me. He looked down at the newspaper in his arms. He then lifted it up for me to see and asked, "Is this you?" I hesitantly nodded.  I knew that if I did or said the wrong thing that it would end beaten by Richard. His eyes lit up after noticing the nod. "Finally, that means that I can stop search this whole dang city. My name is Fitz." The boy exclaimed. "Why were you looking for me?" I questioned.  He smiled and responded, "We got a tip from downtown that your foster father was being abusive. Your coming with me." 

I was shocked. How did they find out? What were they going to do to me? To Amy? Would they separate the two of us? My thoughts were too busy racing to see the boy pull out a phone and walk a short distance to start a conversation on it. When I finally got ahold of myself I notice started to overhear the conversation that the boy Fitz was having.  

"Yeah, I found her..... It's really her I checked..... Of course I didn't tell her about that.... You'll come take her off my hands so I can get back to doing important things?" He asked. I stopped listening after that sentence. A burden, that's what I was. I'd always been one since my parents had died. It would be better if I just disappeared now. I'll go home and forget about it all. I was fine with Richard. I was with Amy and that's all I needed in life. 

I scanned around to make sure no one was watching or that Fitz didn't have backup. Then I made a break for it. Fitz was too busy on his call to notice at first. Then I heard a voice yelling, "Sophie get back here!" It had to be Fitz, but I just couldn't go back. They would take Amy from me. They wouldn't let me near here. I couldn't let that happen. Not to her. She'd lost too much already, and so had I. 

I made it back to the bus just as it was pulling out. Fitz didn't see me get on, I'd made sure of that. I was in the clear for now. 

The bus pulled up at the school and a jumped out of my seat, off the bus, and jumped right into Stina the bully in my grade. I'd managed to avoid her most the year, but now there was no going back. There was nothing to stop her wrath form going off me. 

Once Stina had recovered to see me wincing at the sight of her she knew I was the one who had crashed into her. She growled, "Watch where your going you little worthless orphan. Don't you know that there are people here who are actually wanted? Go back to the stupid hole you crawled out and cry to your mommy. Oh that's right your parents are dead!" As she said each word I felt water fill my eyes. Stina was announcing the truth I'd never wanted to face.

By now there was a crowd gathered around us watching, laughing, and gossiping. I knew I wasn't getting out of this humiliation until she was done. I did something I'd never dared to do before, I punched Stina. 

After I'd thrown the punch I froze unsure of what to do next. I'd never punched anyone before. Luckily, or maybe not, Stina did. She started punching me right away. Soon I was curled up in a ball receiving punches, kicks, and any sort of blow Sina could muster. 

I was starting to lose continence. Everything hurt so bad. All I wanted to do was sink into the dark oblivion and leave my broken body behind. Why didn't I? It was better there. I didn't need to be anyone or anything. I could be free. Yes I would leave, for now. Before I faded out I heard a voice yell, "Stop you'll kill her!" I was gone a little further now. The last thing I ever saw before blacking out were the beautiful ice blue of a very handsome and worried boy. 


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