Essay (HGP)

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"Being Unique is Being Aesthetic"

We are all unique. No one is really similar to another person. Even the twins. There are still differences observed between them. How much more the two persons from different families, places and cultures?

We as a Filipino abide in a country with thousands of islands, the Philippines which are divided into three major regions: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Filipinos were naturally born from peculiar families and tribes. So, if we possess differences as a Filipino individuals, how should we celebrate it?

The answer is not difficult to find as a puzzle but rather it is an easy one since the celebration of our individual differences just lie beneath us. It is in our hearts. Hearts with various perspective, choices and desires. That is why, we celebrate our individuality in our own ways.

Some people are extrovert or expressive in their differences. They are not afraid of judgement or criticism from others. They just do what they want and share their real and peculiar characteristics. I think those kind of persons are interesting and courageous individuals.

On the other hand, there are also introvert persons. Afraid of what other may say they tend to just hide their individual differences. They are scared of being unique so they just do what is everyone's doing. I think those kind of person are mysterious and embarrassed of what uniqueness they have.

Nevertheless, like mentioned earlier, celebrating individual differences should come from our hearts rather than result of imitation from the majority of people. Whether we are extrovert persons or introvert individuals, we should be grateful of our individual differences. Because these differences make us beautiful and interesting human beings.

Can we imagine if the people in this world are all the same? Indeed it's not amiable nor attractive in the eyes. God created each one of us unique because I believe that He wants us to appreciate the variety and beauty of life. In short, we should celebrate our individual differences on our own ways with a genuine and sweet smile coming from our hearts.


Date originally written: Nov. 26,2020

Date published in wp: Nov. 27,2020

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