Non-Stop Debate, Start!

"Rantaro's body was found in the library." Said Kirumi.

"Gonta not know why Rantaro die." Said Gonta.

"He was probably a huge pervert!" Said Miu.

"His body was probably dragged into the library." Said Kaito.

"Avocado man was strangled to death!" Said Kokichi.

"No, that's wrong!" Said Shuichi.

                                        Non-Stop Debate, End!

"I don't think Rantaro was strangled to death." Shuchi said. Everyone's attention was on him, but unlike his usual self, he didn't squirm in the eyes of the others. Must be his detective instincts taking over. "I don't think his death had anything to do with the mark around his neck."

"Oh really? Then how did he die?" Kaito asked, clearly suprised at the fact that he didn't die by blood loss or anything like that.

"I'm pretty sure he was poisoned." Shuchi looked down as if thinking.

"Oh my, how terrible!" Tsumugi exclaimed. "But, how do you know?"

"His mouth." Shuichi simply replied. "On his tongue, I could feel the remains of a pill." Everyone turned to look at him, their expressions mixed with disgust and admiration. Shuichi's ears turned red as he realized that sticking your finger in the mouth of a dead body wasn't something most highschool freshmen did.

"Only the detective would think of doing that!" Kokichi attempted to take away the attention Shuichi was receiving. As if knowing what Kokichi was doing, Shuichi shot him a thankful expression.

"Shuichi, you truly are a detective. Be more confident. You got it!" Kaede spoke encouraging words, making Shuichi mumble a "Kaede...".

This pissed off Kokichi. He decided that he would ruin the trial. He smiled, realizing that he was what fans called an "antagonist". He certainly wanted to be one. Too bad for him.

"I know who the killer is!" Kokichi said as everyone turned to look at him. He pointed at Gonta, his face lighting up like a child who just won the spelling bee. "It was Gonta!"

"Gonta no do that! Gonta gentlemen. Gentlemen no hurt friend." Gonta seemed so confused that it almost made Kokichi feel bad for blaming him.

"Kokichi, what makes you say that?" Kiibo asked. He was the robot in case you didn't know.

"Of course a dumb robot wouldn't understand!" Kokichi earned a "That's robophobic!" from Kiibo, but he ignored it. "Gonta is strong enough to strangle Rantaro, duh."

Shuichi sighed. "Kokichi, we just covered that. We conclude that Rantaro was poisoned, not strangled."

"Nyeh. That's right! Someone teleported a pill into his mouth and killed him. Not me though. I can only teleport pills into your eyeballs." Himiko added.

"O-oh? Really? I'm sorry... I guess." Kokichi said with pure regret. Although to the others, it seemed fake.

"It okay! Kokichi forgiven!" Gonta seemed to be the only one who took note of his sincerity.

"Oh Gonta. Your too forgiving." Tsumugi said with a small smile.

"Excuse me for my words." Kirumi spoke, making everyone turn to face her. "I do apologize beforehand, but I swore to do my best, and as a maid I shall fulfill my responsibility."

The Fear of the Past //Saiouma (Pregame)Where stories live. Discover now