"Lover Boy"

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(Still Y/L P.O.V)

(My footsteps crunch through the snow as i angrily I go into the town hall and stomp down the basement stairs as I look at all the prison sells and stop in front of one where the name Louis was scribbled on the mini chalkboard hung on the chamber door as I take off my coat and hang in on one of the hangers as I open the door to find the boy sitting down in the chair like I requested but he was asleep and shaking.I could see Greg got him dressed as he's In a grey sweater and ripped jeans sometimes Greg was too nice to prisoners but I'm not going to yell at him after all he's my best friend. HEY BOY WAKE UP! (I shout immediately waking Him out of his sleep)

'WHERE IS SHE?!' That's none of your worry's boy.(The kid seems to some what know me as his eyes turned from worried and scared to furious) 'YOUR HER OLD LOVER!" "YOU HURT HER!" "GOD JUST WAIT UNTIL IM UNTIED!" "IM GOING TO F-"(I cut him off by holding a finger up making him immediately stop what he's saying)I would be careful with what you say boy I have her and you don't want me to Hurt her.(He looks at me with no emotion in his eyes as I pull out another chair and sit facing him)I want to tell me more about your relationship."Why do you need to know it's none of your business..."Well indeed it is with the fact that I have her locked up in a room and you taking her away from me.

"If you really loved her whoever you are why would you lock me up and you left her and now she's mine." "SO BACK OFF!"(Im starting to get ferious as I take out a pocket knife)I SAID WATCH YOUR MOUTH BOY! (By this point I don't think he even cares what I do to him he just wants her back... I would've never acted like that...) "She's my girlfriend..."(He finally says)"We're very close as you could tell from sneaking your perverted ass in and capturing us while flipping each other."(I gag in disgust as I look at him)Why do you even want her in the first place?(I ask angrily) "She's the first person to actually love me for who I am a funny guy who dosent deserve such a perfect woman like her and she definitely dosent deserve some asshole who's trying to kidnap her and win her heart over while stealing her lover..."

(I've had it I take my knife and slit a clean cut on his face right where his eye is lucky him he flinched causeing it not to slit his eye which would've made him blind he groans in pain as he opens his eyes and looks at me his Amber eyes turn and not caring of what I just did to him) Awww that will leave a mark pour Louis now has scar with the scar that's going to form on your face now she'll l never love you. "That's not true she loves me to pieces."(he chuckles)"If anything she's just going to think it makes me look even more devilishly handsome."(I feel enraged so I stand up and barge out of the room while he watch's in amusement smirking)Greg watches me put on my coat angrily and leave.

(Greg's P.O.V)

(As I watch him leave angrily as I go into the room to see him bleeding pretty badly but not that  bad where he needed stitches.I have a first aid so I clean his wound )Are you ok? "Yes"(He responds with the least of worry in the world)How are you not caring about this?Its going to leave a scar on your eye? "So If it takes a scar on my eye to keep her then so be in."(I looks shocked as I untie him)Go."What?" I SAID GO! GO GET YOUR LOVE LOVER BOY!(Greg yells happily as Louis smiles and gets up and gets on boots that were left on the ground and runs out of the basement)

(Louis P.O.V)

(I run through the snow while I look for the little cabin Greg told me about and I see it.It was the only cabin house from every other house) (I see the psychopath standing talking to someone else.(perfect a distraction...) I creep around looking.I see a window it was cracked but the glass in window was the type that can't break she obviously tried escapeing. I try opening it obviously it didn't open. (Great just great...) (In my crouched position I look around when i notice something poking out of the snow and pick it up.) (It was a crow bar) (Perfect!) (It was very cold making my fingers feel numb but I didnt care.I quickly proped it in the slight crack between the window opening.) (I bent it back making it pop open so I quickly opened it to reveal her sitting in the corner crying.) Hey!(I whisper loud enough so she could hear,)

(Your P.O.V)                                                                                                                                                                               

(You look up frightened but smile happily seeing him) Louis!(You say in a low tone you notice his eye making your face go pale) "Hey dont worry about me right now lets just get out of here." "(You nod and he helps you climb out the window)"I know where a horse is now come"(You nod as he continues to crouch while walking as you follow from behind.) (He grabs ahold of a the fence and sees a black horse as he quicky grabs it and mounts it.)"Get on Darling."(You nod and hop on while he kicks the side of the horse and it runs off making you almost fall but you manage to grab ahold of louis.) (The horse runs through the entrance that Greg opened for you.)(And with that you were on your way home...)

"The Wanted Lover. " (Louis x reader) (18+ Lemon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt