"A smile from memory"

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You walk through a woods as you decide to stay there for awhile and set up a camp. It's gotten colder and you knew that you couldn't keep moving during the winter so you decided to set up camp and stay there until the next spring. You set up traps that are visible to people because you heard voices a bit ago and you don't want anyone to get hurt so you made them visible. You make a fire pit with bricks you found awhile ago by now you were used to the weight on your back and it didn't cause any issues so you made a nice row in the form of a circle as you carefully stacked a perfect row of sticks ontop of each other. You light the fire with the third try as you get ready to heat up some rabbit that you caught on the way. You were finally happy to make rabbit stew since you haven't had it since about 2 years so you skinned the rabbit and took the fur and put it with the rest you had. You made the stew as you eat only a little bit so you could store more for the other days. After eating you keep the fire lit as you get in your tent and get in your warm pjs after all that's all you had to keep you warm except the blankets that didn't even store any heat. You changed and secured your tent door and tied both the strings in with the bell so you could wake up if someone or a walker tried to get in. You were exhausted from walking all day as you layed down on your padded mattress and you get cozy as you fall asleep and dream away about seeing your family again. Even in your sleep you smiled lightly from the joy of just imagining there laughter and smiles as you all played tag with each other and chased everyone around,but only you knew it was a dream just waiting to end at any second as it felt like a minute but really was a few hours of sleep.)

"The Wanted Lover. " (Louis x reader) (18+ Lemon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora