"Thanksgiving Special!" "Is there a Pie?"

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Hello Guys! Happy Thanksgiving! This is a one-shot and not a continuation of the story.This is just a little special for thanksgiving.There's a special character in this story and no it's not me this time. I hope you enjoy!

(This thanksgiving you were sick sadly you got the chills along with a fever you hated it when you got sick during a holiday but you couldn't help it.At least you had Louis your loving and caring boyfriend to take care of you) I'm ok Lou go have fun with the others. NO!(Louis wanted to stay with you so badly but kept arguing in the process you just didn't want him to miss out just because your sick) I'm ok sweet heart when it's over you could come to- I SAID NO! IM LEAVING YOU! (This was one on the days he was stubborn and you just wanted him to go without arguing you could almost never be mad at Louis because of how much of a bond you had with him but today you weren't having it) LOUIS! GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE WITH THE OTHERS BEFORE I GET FUCKING PISSED OFF AT YOU! (You could see him dumbstruck and hurt but he had it coming) O-ok...(He reply's it wasn't the fact you yelled but your voice was hoarse from the flu) (He sadly walks out with his watery eyes and shuts the door gently) Why dose he have to be stubborn today...(You say to yourself as you close your eyes wishing to get some rest )
(Louis P.O.V)
I feel terrible Ruby... Oh Sugar Cube you know she's sick why argue? "Because I wanted to stay with her I understand she didn't want me to miss Thankgiving but I'd rather be with her..."
There's still some pie crust and apples from when Husky came to deliver them Krista and Clementine could help you make a pie for her.
That's a good Idea Ruby! (I jump out of my seat as I go to Krista and Clementine) (Krista is one of Clementines old friends who took care of her and got lost in a shooting? She is with the New Frontier and came all the way here to visit her after all these years) Krista! Clementine! (They nearly drop whatever there holding as they look at him confused and irritated)What do you want Louis?(Krista says obviously irritated) I was wondering if you could help me make a pie for Y/N since she's sick and can't attend Thanksgiving. (They stop the irritated looks and smile) Sure Louis we"ll help you after I help Krista with carrying this wood.(Clementine sighs) I could help In know how hard it is with carrying something with crutches. (She smiles gently) No no I need to learn this stuff Louis but thank you so much.(She smile as Krista and her finish and come back to me a few minutes later) (They help me make a pie and cook it in the oven with the generator I know I'm still surprised the rusty old thing works after that we all sit down and eat together with turkey stew,Mashed Potatoes,green bean casserole,apple pie,and pumpkin pie with fizzy water to wash it down.)
That was delicious! (I would've brought my love some of this food but it might upset her stomach so I decided to stick with the pie hopefully she could keep it down) (I stand up and thank everyone as I go into the dorms with the pie and go to my room as I open the door gently and as I begin to walk it the worst thing that could possibly happen to me happens god why me?) (I trip over the stupid lose board I forgot was they as the pie lands on the floor including me face planting my face into it) (It nearly scared her out of her sleep as she saw the whole thing unfold)
(Your P.O.V)
(You see this as you gasp but can't hold in your laughter this was the funniest thing you've seen happen within the time line you've been sick) (You begin laughing uncontrollably as you barely sound out)Louis are you ok?! (He got up with all kinds of pie in his face as he smiles finally hearing you laughing again made him so happy he didn't even care about the pie or the pie on his face as he began laughing himself)
(You both continue laughing as Louis cleans himself up as his face is all sticky)Come here Lou.(You let out a brief chuckle as he sits by your legs on the bed you get a towel and dip it into the hot water provided by Ruby for some tea if you wanted any) (you squeeze the remaining water out leaving it only damp and you wipe his face off with it as he smiles at you) (He's just so happy now that you cheered up as he places a gentle kiss on your cheek) Oh Louis. (You hug him as he hugs you back and you hear him say)SPLAT! (As you begin laughing your head off again.He just watched you admiring every one of your features including your beautiful laugh) (He pushed you down slightly making you stop laughing as you look at him confused as he kisses you deeply making you shiver as you do the same towards him) I love you so much darling~ I love you too~(You reply even with the hoarse voice he heard your lust filled voice) (he moved you gently as he big spooned you) If you need anything my love just wake me up.(He dosent hear a reply as he looks at you already sound asleep) That's so cute~ (The laughing must have made her even more exhausted) This was an amazing Thanksgiving but I hope next year you could be sitting there with me. And I'm Thankful I have you by my side~ (He whispers his last few words to himself as he kisses your head and now you both are in a deep sleep)

(Didn't want to Ruin your appetite with sexuality and I decided thanks giving is too pure to have sexuality in it so I made it as pure and clean as I could imagine this special. Happy Thanksgiving guys.🦃 )

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