5 - Whirlwind

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Still that night...

"What's going on?" I ask, confused.

"Someone must have called the police. You have to get out of here now. I'll be fine I didn't have a chance to drink anything." Jeremy gets up. "Jenna, you have to get out of here before the cops find you."

      He presses a quick kiss to my lips. "Go! Go. I'll text you later. "

      I rush out of the room and down the stairs where people have just began to hear the sirens. I am fortunately able to quickly find Ellie, Summer, Piper, and Rochelle. I grab them and yell, "We have to get out if here now!"

      As soon as the fact that the police are here starts to register in people's alcohol-laden minds, we are practically out of the door to Cathy's house.

      We're hopping into Summer's Toyota when Jake comes running up to the car.

      "Can I come with you guys? The guys I came here with are all passed out somewhere." Jake is out of breath, he probably ran after us.

      Summer rolls her eyes. "Since you're here, hop in, I guess."

      "Thank you!" Jake exclaims, relieved, as he jumps into the back seat, squishing Rochi, Ellie, and me.

      Jake has barely closed the door when Summer takes off, slightly above speed limit. As I look back, I can see the cops arriving at Cathy's house. We barely escaped.

      Everyone is silent on the way back to Summer's house. We were this close to potentially getting arrested.

When we get there, Ellie, Jake, and I get out and say goodbye to everyone else.

  We get into Ellie's car and drive to Jake's house. I walk him to the door.

      "We should hang out more often." Jake says, his fingers wiggling a little bit, it's a nervous tic he has. Jake shoves his hands into his pockets.

      "Yes, we should. I really miss hanging out with you." I reply. He's been so busy with sports lately, that it's almost gotten to the point of "Jake who?"

      "Me too. Thank Ellie for the ride for me, okay?" Jake asks, and I nod in response.

      He smiles and leans down to kiss me on the cheek, at least I hope it's only on the cheek. It could be the beer or the hormones, but despite the fact that I've known Jake for years and that he wouldn't do something like that, my hand flies up, stopping him from closing the seven inch gap between us.

      "Stop." It's only then that I realize that I'm shaking. "Don't." I take a step back and Jake recoils at my abrasive tone.

      "Jake, I have a boyfriend. You know that. You're friends with him!" It's all I can do to only kind of lose my cool, rather than completely exploding.

      "Jenna, you thought I was going to kiss you on the lips? I'm not stupid, okay? I know that you and Jeremy are together. I was just-" I take another step backwards.

"Jake, just stop-" I try to break in but he continues to ramble over me. I sigh, and turn away. I don't really know what to do right now except to leave and go home.

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