3 - Upside Down

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That afternoon...

   "Jenna!" The hippo yelled, throwing baby bottles and onsies at me as I tried to run away. But I couldn't. The floor was covered in some thing that you put on babies.

See, Mr. or Mrs. Hippo? I can't be pregnant because I don't even know what half of this stuff is, I think as the hippo corners me, causing me to fall into a pile of baby supplies.

I reach towards the hippo, begging it to help pull me up out of what is almost like a pit filled with quick sand. I slowly slide deeper into the pile of baby supplies.

"Nooooo!" I scream, as I'm engulfed in teddy bears, rattles, and pacifiers.

"Jenna!" Wait, who was that? Was it some creepy baby toy coming to get me?

   "Jenna!" Wait, is that the hippo?

   "JENNA!" I shoot up in my bed as my mom flings open the door. "I have literally been calling you for the past five minutes." Wait, so that wasn't a hippo? Actually...

   "Ellie dropped off a bag for you. Here." She tosses the bag in the room and slams the door behind her.

   I open my mouth to let out a stream of obscenities when the door opens again.

   "You need to leave for your doctor's appointment in fifteen minutes. Leave in ten if you want to drive yourself." My mother snaps before leaving my room again.

   I roll my eyes and pick up the bag. Inside is what I wore to school that morning and the work I missed in the rest of my classes.

   I put on the same leggings and shirt as before, glad that they were clean and vomit-free. I gather up my homework to do in the waiting room and start to look for my keys. The sooner I find them, the sooner I can leave and after Marlowe, the doctor, tells me that I just had food poisoning, I'll stop for some ice cream. It doesn't matter that it's November.

   I find my keys after nearly stepping on them, grab my coat from the downstairs close, and start to head for the door.

"Mom, I'm going to leave for the doctor's office now!" I shout up the stairs.

"I'll see you later, then. I might not be home when you get back. Your sisters start music lessons today."

   "Okay, bye!" I briskly walk out to my car and jam the key in the ignition. I can't get out of here fast enough.

   Melody and Harmony, my seven year-old twin sisters, are supposedly good musicians for their age, but all I hear is banging on a piano. Believe me, I did the same thing at there age and my parents thought that it sounded like shit. They're starting to learn instruments now so they can be ahead when they take band in school next year in third grade. Melody is going to play flute and Harmony will play clarinet. I'll be really happy being away at college after this year, because I can't imagine that hearing them practice will be fun.

   I back out of the driveway and drive down the street. I don't know what Marlowe will tell me except to probably take medicine for whatever virus I have. It wouldn't be something crazy like pregnancy, right? Right? It can't.

   I pull into the parking lot and back into a spot. I let out a sigh, pulling the key out of the ignition and shoving it into my pocket. I just need someone to talk to about all of this. But of course, with my luck, one of the few people I could ever actually talk to isn't here.

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