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THE MONTHS IN Conneaut passed by quickly and soon we were swimming in snow it seemed. My life sort of settled down in a way through the First of January when the new American Girl doll that was based off of me was introduced. She had several accessories available, including a 'Julie' doll, and a pretty rose gold colored French Horn. I ended up having a couple cameos in the movies they made to push the doll, and ended up with a bit of notoriety at school for it.

My horn playing was still my main focus as the year progressed. One day in class I heard my phone ring and groaned. It of course had to happen in the class with the strictest teacher. I swore she would have used some sort of medieval punishment to students if allowed, and cringed. "Whose phone is ringing?" She asked angrily.

I raised my hand, "I'm sorry Mrs. Trolly, I thought I turned the ringer off."

I reached into my purse and was surprised to see it was Mr. Fark calling. "Umm... this actually might be an emergency call; may I answer it in the hallway?"

I swore the room got dead silent as she glared at me and the rest of the students scrunched up in their desks hoping to avoid the shrapnel. "That's fine, but the phone gets turned off immediately afterwards Miss Landt," she told me. I slid the button on my phone to answer the call and stepped into the hallway.

"Hi Taylor, this is Mr. Fark,"

"How are you doing sir," I asked.

"Well, not so well today, I'm coming down with bronchitis bad I think. What are you doing tonight?"

"Umm... nothing, why?" I asked.

"Well, I need a sub for tonight's concert," he said.

I froze.

A sub...

Tonight's concert...

"With the orchestra?" I asked incredulously.

"We're doing Beethoven Fifth Symphony tonight, along with a couple of string only pieces. Would you be interested?"

"You're not joking with me?" I asked.

"Of course not," he said. "I usually rotate sub jobs around with my best conservatory students, and you're up tonight if you want it."

"Is there a rehearsal?" I asked, scared.

"No, but I know you know it and can play it. If you'd like to come an hour early, I'll let you look over it and help you with any questions. What do you say?"

What could I say? "Umm... I'll be there."

I quickly texted Mom the information about the call and asked her to come check me out of school early. She didn't respond, but I figured I could call her before the next class if I needed to.

I walked back into the classroom and looked up at my friends and teacher staring at me. "Was it an emergency?"

"Sort of Mrs. Trolly," I said.

"What do you mean by sort of?"

"Well, the principal horn of the orchestra is my teacher, and he's ill and can't be there tonight at the concert, so he called me to sub for him."

I watched her face not get it at all. "I'll have a detention slip for you after class."

I sat down politely and didn't say anything, before she looked up at me and said, "The Erie Orchestra?"

"No, The Cleveland Orchestra," I said and watched satisfactorily as her chin dropped simultaneously as the intercom beeped.

"We need Taylor Landt to the office please."

I walked out with a smile on my face, and she didn't even say anything about the detention slip. The band room was on the other side of the school so I stopped by there to retrieve my concert horn first before going to the office and being checked out by Mom. A trip to Cleveland was soon underway and we even got my makeup and hair done at the salon before going to Severance Hall.

The standing ovation at the end of the symphony was amazing as I stood there amongst the much older and taller musicians. I hoped this would eventually be my future as I smiled out at the audience. I was amused that Mom was holding a Taylor Doll with her French horn and a matching black dress to mine. I thought I saw a glint of light off of Dad's new championship ring, the last he said he would play for. I watched as she and Dad kissed, and thought about the little sister that was supposed to be arriving in six months. At least I hoped it would be a sister!

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