Damn her bad eyesight. "Constance Welch. She's a Woman in White." Riley blinks in shock and Dean looks at all the victims. "You sly dogs."

      Dean turns to Sam. "Alright, if we're dealing with a woman in white dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it." Sam narrows his eyes at the article. "She might have another weakness."

      Riley looks at the bed and sees an envelope on it. 'Riley' reads across the top of it. She creases her brows and grabs it, glancing at Sam and Dean as they talk. She turns the envelope around and sees a small note. 'Read only when alone.'

      Riley snorts. He knew they would find this place. She glances at her father, then folds the letter in half and stuffs it in her back pocket.

      "Hey, Dean, what I said earlier about mom and dad- I'm sorry." Riley looks at Sam and her dad. Dean raises his hand with a smirk. "No chick-flick moments." Sam laughs. "All right, jerk." Dean smirks. "Bitch."

      "Idiots." Riley finishes.

      "Riley," Sam starts as he turns to her. Riley looks away from him. She doesn't want to have this conversation now. "Sam, I don't want to talk about this." Sam sighs and nods. "Okay." He whispers.

      Riley sits on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Her arms is hurting worse now that the adrenaline has completely worn off. She has her knees up to her chest and is staring at the letter from John in her hands. She wants to read it terribly, but he ordered her to read it alone so she'll do just that.

      The waiting is torture though.

      "Hey man, I'm going to grab a little something to eat." Dean says as he exits the bathroom. Riley quickly hides the letter as he looks at her. "You want something Ri-Ri?" Riley touches her arm. "Some aspirin would be nice." Dean nods and heads out the door.

      Moments later Sam's phone rings. "What?" He answers. Riley stuffs the letter in her pocket. Sam jumps to his feet. "What about you?" Sam hangs up and looks at Riley. "Cops. They got Dean." Riley sits up. "What?"

      Sam peaks out the window and sees a cop approaching. "C'mon. He's coming." Riley scrambles off the bed and they both rush to the bathroom. Sam being his massive self opens the bathroom window. "You first." Sam lifts Riley up onto the counter and she begins crawling through the window.

       With nothing to land on she falls to the floor and lands on her bad shoulder. She groans in pain and Sam jumps out of the window. He pulls her to her feet and they begin running. Once they are a good distance away the two of them duck behind a bush. "You okay?" Sam asks as he looks at Riley.

      Her face is blanched. "Define okay." Sam sighs and shuffles closer to her. He pulls down her sleeve and looks at her shoulder. A massive black, blue and purple bruise is forming. Well, it's bigger than before.

      Sam pulls her sleeve back up and looks at her. "We'll be fine. It's Dean." Sam assures her. Riley nods sharply. "Can we not talk about that? I think I'm going to vomit." Sam winces and nods. "Yeah." Sam peaks out from the bush and sees the cops driving away with Dean in the back seat. "C'mon. Let's go talk to the husband."

      Riley reaches under the steering wheel of Baby and pulls out the bundle of wires underneath it. "You sure you know what you're doing?" Sam asks as he stands in front of Riley, blocking anyone from seeing him with his giant form.

      "Yeah, taught myself last year." She begins untangling the necessary wires to jump the car. Sam creases his brows. "What? Why?" Riley shrugs. "Dad and Grandpa were hunting. I got bored. Stole a car, got arrested, broke out, then the next day we skipped town. It was the most fun I had in months."

      Sam turns to Riley. "Does Dean know about this?" Riley snorts as she pulls out her pocket knife to cut the wires. "Of course not. And he's not gonna know unless you tell him." Riley glances over her shoulder. "And if you do, I'll make you regret it."

      Sam sees the mischievous gleam in Riley's eyes and swallows hard. She is well aware of his fear of clowns and a relentless, merciless prankster.

      Riley begins sparking the two wires together and Baby sparks to life. Riley laughs in victory. She stands and gestures to the seat regally. Sam laughs, impresses and gets in. Riley walks around the other side and Sam drives off.

      "So you've been arrested and Dean has no idea?" Riley smirks and raises her head proudly. "There's a lot that he doesn't know." She's actually been arrested two times, but Sam didn't need to know that.

      "Why does that scare me?" Sam says as he shakes his head. Riley smiles smugly and looks out the window.

- author's notes -

naughty naughty Riley....


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