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The team gets a call from garcia giving them the location of spencer who was kidnapped 2 days prior. You and the team rush to put on your vests and hurry to the location.

The next thing you know you are pulling up to an abandoned house and morgan is kicking down the front door. You and the team go in and sweep the first floor but it is clear. You notice a door that leads to the basement and call your team over. Hotch and morgan go down first and you trail right behind them.

The basement is pitch black until a light is turned on by the unsub revealing spencer who is sitting in a chair in the middle of the room with a gun pressing against his head. You can hear hotch trying to talk the unsub down but you are too focused on spencer who has cuts and bruises all over his body. Seeing him like this shatters your heart, the two of you just moved in together just at the beginning of the month.

The unsub screams something causing you to pulling your attention from spencer to the situation. You realized talking him down isnt working. You look over to spencer who has tears falling down his face. "I love you y/n" he says right before a shot rings out "NO!" you scream causing you to quickely sit up in your bed paniting. You look over to the empty spot on your bed that was filled by spencer just 2 months ago and sob.

One Shots - Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now