But I Love You

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You and spencer have been friends ever since you joined the BAU 4 years ago. You had developed feelings for him over the years but you know he would never see you in that way.

As you were packing up to go home spencer came up to you "Hey y/n can I ask you a question" you looked up at him and saw the huge smile on his face "yeah of course" you chuckled. "well you see there's this girl" your heart dropped as he continued "and we have been talking for a few weeks and I really like her and I want to ask her out but I dont know that much about relationships and-" he rambled but you cut him off "spencer any girl would be insanely lucky to have you. Just speak what your heart wants you too. If you really like her you should ask her out because if you wait she will slip away." you gave him a smile as you held back your tears. you realize now that you had waited too long and he slipped away. "thank you so much y/n I dont know what I would do without you" he said as he gave you a hug and ran out of the BAU doors almost running into garcia who was coming in.

"woah whats up with boy genius" garcia asked as she watched the elevator doors close behind spencer. you just stood there as tears started streaming down your face. garcia turned around waiting for an answer "oh honey what happened are you okay?" she asked as she went in for a hug. "I just wanna be the one he loves" you said as you sobbed into her shoulder.

the next couple weeks you have distanced yourself from spencer as much as you could. of course you want him to be happy. that's all you want. but it's killing you. you feel like someone ripped your heart out. you and the team just got home from a case. nothing too hard but everyone was tired. as you walk out of the building towards your car it starts to rain. of course. just your luck. you were almost at your car when you hear someone call out to you.


"great" you murmur to yourself. you turn to face him "hey spencer what's up?" you ask trying to avoid exposing your feelings. "what's up? really y/n? what's up with you? you've been avoiding me for weeks." he says annoyed and confused. you think before speaking "nothing is wrong-" "stop" he interrupted pausing before continuing "y/n you can tell me anything please your my best friend" "yeah that's the problem" you say as the rain continues to fall "what wait what do you mean?" spencer asks you take a deep breath before answering "i'm in love with you spencer" you say looking away from him "i think i have been for a really long time but i lost my chance to tell you because now you have a girlfriend but i'm okay with that as long as you are happy."

the only thing you hear is the rain falling from the sky. you look back up at spencer who is just standing there dumbfounded. you turn around and continue to your car hoping that for some chance he will run up to you and tell you that he loves you to. but he doesn't. you get in your car and you go home.

it has now been three hours since you talked to spencer. you were sitting on your couch watching New Girl trying to make yourself feel better when you get a knock on your door.

you open the door and see spencer standing there nervously. "spencer i'm sorry i shouldn't have said all that just then i knew you were happy and i-" he grabbed your face and kissed you it was passionate but sweet. when you pulled away he rested his forehead against yours "the only reason why it seemed like i was happy is because i get to see you everyday and truth is i'm in love with you" he spoke in a whisper "wait but what about-" "i ended it with her" he interrupted. the two of you stood there looking into each others eyes taking each other in "this is real right?" you ask praying you aren't dreaming. spencer laughs before he pulled you into another sweet kiss smiling into it.

One Shots - Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now