The Explosion

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you and jj are on the way to investigate a led when you get a call from garcia with the rest of the team on the line. "he is in an abandoned house 5 miles from y/n and jj i'm sending you the location now stay safe my crime fighters" garcia says as she ends the call.

when you and jj arrive at the house the unsub is in the rest of the team is 6 minutes out. you decide to go in, you can't let another innocent person lose their life. you and jj split up to search for the unsub "call me if u find him" jj says as she goes to the left. you go to the right.

you found a door that led downstairs and told jj you were going to check it out. when you get down to the basement you see a bomb and it's set to go off in 5 seconds. "JJ BOMB RUN!" you yell as you run up the stairs. you just made it to the top of the stairs when the bomb goes off.

jj heard you yell and ran to the door when she opened the door she saw the teams cars pulling up and as she took one step out of the house it blew up. sending her flying. the rest of the team watched as the house blew up.

"did you see y/n!?!?" spencer asks the team. they don't say anything. you and spencer have been dating for a few months now.

he runs towards jj with the rest of the team. jj groans as she sits up holding her head. "where's y/n?" spencer asks "she didn't make it out? i thought she was right behind me?" jj said as she began to cry.

spencer started to run towards the house when hotch stopped him "you can't go in there" he said "hotch she's in there and she could be alive i'm NOT leaving her" spencer said as he broke away from hotches grasp and ran into the house.

"Y/N!" he yelled as he searched the house. after the bomb went off you were thrown across the room and a beam from the house had fallen on top of you. you were stuck and in a lot of pain. you heard someone call your name and will all your strength you called out "help" you heard someone run over to you. spencer. "hey hey hey it's gonna be okay alright i just gotta get this off of you okay?" he said and you nodded. he tried to lift the beam but it was too heavy. the last thing you remember was spencer calling out to the team for help before you fall unconscious.

after you passed out morgan and hotch came to help spencer get you out from under the beam that was on top of you. you were in pretty bad shape.

spencer rode with you in the ambulance holding your had the whole time. "you're going to be okay y/n you are going to be okay" he cried

when they got to the hospital they took you into emergency surgery. spencer and the rest of the team was in the waiting room.

after a few hours, y/n's doctor came out "Y/n?" he called. Spencer took one look at the doctor and he knew.... you didn't make it.

One Shots - Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now