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“My heart is always excited whenever I have the chance too see you”

2nd year in college

Joohyun was walking in the hall way of her university happily. Even though Joohyun’s morning went by as just another normal morning as a college student, what waited for her for the rest of the day was what made Joohyun smile nonstop that day. Joohyun had no more classes to attend in the afternoon, she could do anything she wanted that meant she could meet up with Junmyeon who also had no appointments that day. As usual when she saw Junmyeon waiting for her at the school’s parking lot she ran towards him and hugged him. This time she ran so fast that when they hugged, they almost fell down together if it wasn’t for Junmyeon’s quick reflex to grab a hold on to the roof top of his car.

“I missed you too” Junmyeon said while laughing before Joohyun could even say anything.

They were hugging for a long time, Joohyun could feel Junmyeon trying to naturally break free from the hug so she intentionally hugged him even tighter. This made Junmyeon make more effort to break free from Joohyun’s tight hug.

When he successfully did, Joohyun looked at him with a pout making Junmyeon’s heart flutter, Junmyeon gave her a smile. He pinched one of Joohyun’s cheek and Joohyun let out a cute shriek.

Junmyeon asked what they would do, Joohyun without any hesitations said they’d go to an amusement park. Considering how easily Joohyun get scared this was new to Junmyeon. When they were at the amusement park Junmyeon suggested they’d choose the friendlier rides but Joohyun immediately said no, Joohyun was aware that Junmyeon knows how scared she was already with her own answer but she stood firm on it. They were at the ticket booth for the Viking Ride.

“Hey, I know how light hearted you are, so are you sure about this?” Junmyeon with a concerned voice. Joohyun looked at him

“Junmyeon we’re only getting older. I might as well conquer everything I can while I’m still young and I might as well conquer it with you” Joohyun boldly answered him

This didn't change Junmyeon, he was still looking at her concerned.

“Don’t worry Junmyeon, I know myself, we’ll just take one ride for today” She smiled at him waiting for him to smile back. Junmyeon finally gave in and smiled back.
At the ride Joohyun couldn’t stop screaming every time it went down. Junmyeon was just smiling at her whole throughout the ride. Joohyun was so scared that when the ride barely just started, she was already holding on to Junmyeon’s arms so tightly.

Even after the ride she was still holding on to his arms, she was holding it so tight that Junmyeon’s arms were starting to ache. After that ride Junmyeon decided they’d go ride the carousel together, and this actually made her excited. When it was their turn Joohyun ran to ride the pink horse and Junmyeon rode the purple one just beside hers. Joohyun was so happy, Junmyeon on the other hand was just smiling and taking pictures of her. Joohyun didn’t want the ride to end, it reminded her when she was just young, free and happy with nothing to worry about she wanted to go back to be like that again, but everything keeps on changing and making that dream more impossible. When the ride ended, they grabbed a lunch at a nearby restaurant. After they had their lunch, they decided to go for a drive anywhere.

Junmyeon was driving them away from the city, she didn’t know where they were heading and she didn’t bother to ask. She didn’t mind going anywhere with Junmyeon. When they were out from the city, they were driving with the sea beside them. Junmyeon rolled their windows down and continued driving like this. They didn’t talk that much, they were both already contented enough to be with each other’s presence, they didn’t need to talk that much even if they haven’t seen each other that much after a long time.

Joohyun was feeling the air brushing her face with her eyes closed, she felt the car moving slower till it came to a full stop at the side of the rode. She opened her eyes and looked at Junmyeon who was already smiling at her, she was confused. Junmyeon switched his gaze to the view outside at Joohyun’s side, she turned to look and realize it was a beach, she then turned back to Junmyeon and smiled.

They went out of the car and started walking together with their arms linked. It was nearly sunset, all they talked about was their college life, Joohyun’s countless men who she rejected, Junmyeon’s countless of failed blind dates he went to, and any stories they could tell to each other. They were facing the sunset, Joohyun had her eyes closed.

“It hurts to see you hurting like this Joohyun” Joohyun was surprised she opened her eyes and quickly turned to Junmyeon. She smiled

“What do you mean, I’m happy right now. I’m with you”

“I already know Joohyun… You don’t have go through this alone”

She just looked down and smiled. A month after her parent’s divorce was finalized her grandma was diagnosed with cancer. Luckily, they discovered it early but the odds were still great. Joohyun didn’t say anything.

Junmyeon untangled their arms together

“I like you” Joohyun was surprised, she was always aware of Junmyeon’s feelings towards her and even with the constant teasing from everyone she had never heard him confess to her before. She looked up at Junmyeon, Junmyeon was reaching out to pick out a yellow flower from a tree, he took it and turned back to Joohyun again

“I like you Joohyun, and I want to make you happy, I want to love you and be someone you love…” Junmyeon paused “… not just as a friend” Joohyun was still staring at him

Junmyeon gave reached out to give the flower to her. Joohyun looked at his offer and stared at it, after a few seconds she smiled and accepted it. She brought the flower close to her nose enough to smell its aroma.
“It’s pretty” she was still smiling, she looked back up to Junmyeon and her smile became wider. Junmyeon then smiled at her. They continued to walk side by side now, without their arms linked together and somehow this made Joohyun feel more excited.

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