"Type, Bring this to the Manager of the Secretarial department" Our Supervisor said. Since the incident with the CEO, our work load lightens, maybe they're afraid to be fired for slacking and pushing all of their works to us.

I nodded and take the folder and walk. The secretarial department is located same floor as the CEO's office. Well, they work directly with him but Tharn's personal secretary is Pharm.

"Typeeeeee!" as I entered the office, Someone loud calls my name and it's no other than Ai'Sarawat. I earned a meaningful stares from the employees there. This is why I hate this man, like why does he have to yell my name?

"Why are you here? Is that for me?" He points at the folder that I am holding.

"For you? This should be for the manager" I said, he just grins at me.

"That's for me then!" Huh? what? He is a manager here?" I furrowed by brows and I think he reads my facial expression because he laughed at me.

"I'm an outpost manager but I rarely come here since I handle few branches" He said, as if he is really reading my mind.

"Where's your department? Let's go. Show me, show me" He said as he lightly push me out of their office.

"Uh.. Its in-" I got cut off by the CEO. He really is everywhere now huh.

"Sarawat, come to my office!" His cold voice startled me and I guess not just me, he startled everyone. Sarawat just stared at him blankly before he turned his gaze to me.

"Let's have lunch together later. I'll text you. I'll talk to the tiger first" He said the last sentence in a low voice. He winked at me and follows the CEO.

"You know manager Sarawat?" One of the secretary named In. He is cute and small, I got to know him in the cafeteria and he is an omega like me.

"We just got acquainted somehow" I said. He just nodded in agreement.

"He seems to like you" In said teasingly.

"He even tries to flirt with me the first time he talked to me" I said rolling my eyes, remembering the scenario at the café. He still owes me that picture.

In laughed. "He is funny. Do you know that the office becomes stiff and full of tension and pressure whenever he is around? He is a beast too when it comes to work but he is just casual at you and it's during working hours. A fun sight indeed" In said nodding his head.

"Your making me your meal for fun again. I'm going back, my manager will scold me for staying here for too long" I said as I wave my hand and turned around to walk outside.

"Mr. Thiwat in my office, Now!" I heard Tharn's calling me while I'm at the corridor. Sarawat's beside him, his facial expression is hard to read.

Tharn waited for me and when Sarawat taps my shoulder, Tharn slapped his hand.

"don't touch him!" He said firmly. Wtf? Why does he care?

"I'll text you for lunch" I smiled timidly to Sarawat before walking to the CEO's office.

He closed the door after him and lock it again. Fvck, what does he wants? Every time I'm inside this office, nothing good happens.

"What the fvck was that?" He asked.

"I'm sorry sir?"

"Why are you with Sarawat?" The fvck he cares about that?

"I'm sorry?... I was asked to deliver something to the manager of the secretarial department which happened to be him" He maybe likes Sarawat? I don't know. Is he jealous of me? He attempts to hold my hand, I stepped back.

"Is part of your task to have lunch with him?" He scoffed. What is his point?

"Pardon me for being obnoxious sir but I think that is none of your concern, it's lunch time, I can have lunch with whoever I want" I said. I'm stopping myself to roll my eyes.

"I don't want to see you with Sarawat!" He said. Wow, just wow.

"Then please tell him not to approach me. Keep your man for yourself. Excuse me sir, I still have work to do" He is being unreasonable. If he wants to keep his man then he should tie him in his waist.

I left his office and went back to my post.

"Where have you been? Did you slack off?" The supervisor asked, he is accusing me.

"The CEO asked for my presence while I was there. You can ask him to confirm if you want. Excuse me" I said as I bowed a little. I'm not in the mood.

"don't ask, I'm not in the mood." I turned to Techno who is about to open his mouth. He can mate with Sarawat for fvcks sake and I don't care.

// A boring part 😂

Take care everyone.

Lovelots ♥️

Let me Love youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora