Part 4.

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// This part contains just a little of mature content 🙈🙊😂😂


Tharn's POV.

I need to find him and talk to him. My Alpha self is yearning for his mate's presence. I remembered he doesn't smell like omega at the roof top but fvck it, I want him. Omega or not he is gonna be mine and I'm making sure of that.

"Pharm, Call Win to my office now" I have to act as soon as possible and quick. I don't want other people to claim or want him. He is mine, mine and mine.

"Yo! Brother you called me?" Win, this dumbass is one of my friend who also works in the company.

"I want you to find an employee named Type" I said sternly. He laughed.

"Sarawat was right! He told me some amusing story about you claiming a guy who he sets his eyes to." He cracked another laugh and I'm getting annoyed every second "...but he is here? He works here?" I nodded, his eyes widened.

"Yes, I met him last friday at the rooftop, coincidentally"

"Wow, wow, wow... So what do you want me to do again?" This stup*d little sh*t is not listening to me from the very beginning.

"I need to know which department he is in and bring him here A.S.A.P" I said and He just grins cheekily. This is why I hate hiring them here but they do their job so well that I want them to be in my company at the same time.

"Whoah! Backup man! Office staff is out of reach right? And I guess Sarawat is right, you have a lot of flings to play with, leave that innocent man alone" He said trying to put some sense on me but I'm not having any of it. It's fun to play around but I also don't want someone to have or eyeing my mate, damn even if he is not my mate I'd still want him only for myself. I'm greedy, I know, but who cares?

"None of your concern. Go get him. You have 30 minutes to send him here with his details" I said returning my attention to my laptop and proceed to review the business proposal submitted.

"Alright" He held his hands in the air surrendering. I just nodded and he went on his way already.


I waited for more than 30 minutes and fvck he is late. I called Win but he said he already informed the guy to visit my office. Am I that scary? Cause I think I am not.

A sudden knock brings me back to reality from being in dazed. The angel appeared and descended before me. So beautiful and he is mine.

"Sir, I was asked by Manager Win to come here?" He said with confused look but with outmost respect and sincerity he can muster, though he is not looking at me.

"Yes" I said and he flinched, I smirk at the sight. Oh, I love this. I walked to where is standing.

"I have a question for you... Are you a beta or an omega?" He got shocked by the sudden question thrown at him. I can see he is having goosebumps when I whispered the question on his ears.

"I.. Uhm.. I am an o- omega sir" He said stuttering "but... I will assure you that it will not affect my work here sir, after all I'm just an intern and I only have 2 weeks left and I already got my heat a month ago" He said in panicky manner.

"hmm." I don't care about that though.

"May... May I know why am I being called here sir?" He gulped and fear flashes on his eyes. He is still not giving away any of his omega scent. I ignored his question.

"Are you taking a scent blocker?" I asked. He must have, yes. I must know if he is my mate, not that I care but I must confirm. He slowly nodded.


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