So Vows Uncertainty

Start from the beginning

Uhtred smiled and looked to Brida happily as she gave a tired smile of her own, "We've got Ragnar's wealth. We kept it for you." said Uhtred. Khaana chuckled inwardly as she watched Uhtred into the little wasp Ragnar remembered. scampering around the feet of the man who became his brother, looking for a reason to make him proud.

Ragnar took a moment to look over them, Uhtred and Birda had gotten so big. they hardly stood as tall as his elbow when he had left and now? Uhtred stood at a height where he could nearly look directly into Ragnar's eyes, Brida only a few inches shorter than Khaana and both young fighters looked strong.

"You've gotten so grown." Ragnar laughed, it felt a little silly to say as he watched Brida cuddle next to Khaana as if she had still been small. But it was still the truth.

"It has been a long time, but they have also been big for a long time as well. They grew up like wolves." Khaana added, pulling a leaf out of Brida's hair. Brida looked up at Khaana and smiled, that smile turned into a tearful grin as she between the three of them and her heartfelt at home.

"Within my dreams, I have seen this moment. this very moment, so many times," she said. It was going to be over, this Saxon nightmare. Ragnar was back, they were all together he would take them to a place where they could gather the men they needed to take on Kjartan, she would charge into battle the avenge their family and tear into those that betrayed them with Khaana and her hounds. It was so vivid in her mind, they would do it together the four of them.

The day was spent among the trees, recounting old stories of the past, remembering the family. Khaana told stories of what it was like to watch Brida and Uhtred grow up, and they shared stories of how they learned to fight, as well as humorous tales. Uhtred and Brida sat side by side, "I bet he is tied to her apron strings." Ragnar chuckled quietly. "he very much can guess which part is tethered." Khaana added in with a smirk as she looked at Uhtred and Brida. "I- am not." He said.

Brida smirked at him "You are." she said smugly, as Ragnar laughed Uhtred narrowed his eyes, "You would know the feeling well wouldn't you?" Uhtred asked him, Ragnar simply smiled and shrugged, "Khaana does not wear aprons, and my prick can't be tied to anything," he said with a chuckle. Turning to look at Khaana he gave her a warm gaze and lightly tugged at a lock of her hair, "But we are bonded, and she might not know it. But this creature here is my destiny." Ragnar said.

Khaana couldn't look into his eyes his stare on her was heavy making her chest squeeze in around her heart like a vice. "Destiny is all." Uhtred mused trying to hide a smirk. "Quiet, Osbert." Khaana snaped with a scowl. "You're cheeks are red." Brida chuckled.

Khaana's eyes thinned into a glare "they are not you cannot see my face in this darkness." she growled. "I am right here, I can see well," Ragnar said moving his face closer to hers. Khaana's glare became sharper as she sat nose to nose with Ragnar. His eyes crinkled into a smile as he looked at the subtle red tint to her face. "and you are turning red." He added deepening his voice.

"I'm too old to blush, fool." She muttered. "You are too proud to blush, but you're still doing it." Uhtred laughed. "back up or I will bite you." Khaana warned Ragnar softly, He smirked, "Do it, and see what trouble it will get you into." He replied. Khaana rolled her eyes and lightly shoved him away. Ragnar laughed, "I missed messing with her." He admitted.

Light talks continued for a while until silence fell between the small family. Though it was a comfortable one, Ragnar added more tinder to the flames and sighed. "I never believed Kjartan's lie..." He sighed. "they why not go for him? why take so long to return?" Brida asked. Ragnar scanned the tree faces watching him and carefully took his seat back at Khaana's side.

"Because he is Lord Kjartan now." He said his voice deflated he gave a half-hearted shrug. "There is not much I could have done. He has three times the men as well as the ear of Ubba." Ragnar said, Uhtred looked down He couldn't say he was surprised, Kjartan was crafty and had been one of Earl Ragnar's most trusted warriors for a reason.

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