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Once upon a time, a Queen sat talking to her best friend, the Queen from a neighboring kingdom, as they watched their sons play.

 The two had been friends since they were girls. They used to love spending their evenings out in the palace gardens where Queen Anne lived, and still lives today. Even though they were much older, with children of their own, both Anne and Jay still loved to spend their evenings together in the garden.

"Harry dear," Anne called to her son. "Don't eat the flowers please." A one-year-old Harry looked up at her with wide eyes, a flower stem poking from his mouth.

"Meow," he said. For an infant his age, he knew quite a few words, though he only liked to use two of them. 'Meow' being the first and 'Lou Lou' being the second.

"Meow," he said again.

Anne sighed, standing from her place on the bench next to Jay. She carefully pried open Harry's mouth and removed the flower from inside.

"Silly Harry," three-year-old Louis commented.

Jay chuckled as Anne sat back down beside her. "We were thinking of taking a few days to visit some people, check in with them. Would you mind taking Louis for a couple of days?"

"Of course not! He's always welcome. I told you we have a room for him if he ever needs to stay."

"I know, I know. I just like to make sure. I-" she paused looking up at the sky. "That's strange," she said. "Those storm clouds certainly moved in quickly."

Lightning struck the grass in front of them, leaving in its place a lady dressed in a bright red dress, black spiked heels, and far too much lipstick. Mists swirled around her.

"Sarafina," Anne gasped, moving to grab the two children from the grass. Sarafina was the most feared sorceress throughout all the land.

 "Move and he dies," she said, raising a hand towards Harry.

Anne let out a small noise, looking helplessly to where Harry and Louis sat. 

"Here's the deal. I could kill you right now, but that leaves your husband and Harry. I'm not really big on the whole 'destroying the castle to find him' thing, especially since that would leave me with nothing to rule in. So here's what's going to happen. The boy gets cursed- don't even bother trying to stop me. I placed the curse when I first arrived, so there's no going back now. The boy dies once he reaches seventeen and the crown goes to me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right? 

"No!" Anne yelled.

"Oh," Sarafina added. "I suppose you want to know how to break the curse. It's simple. Rather cliche if you ask me, but simple. If he finds true love before midnight on his seventeenth birthday, the curse is broken and he lives. And he just has to meet them, like in the same room or whatever, none of that kissing stuff because that's just gross." She laughs. "But good luck with that. True love doesn't exist." She turns, disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

The two Queens immediately ran to their sons, hugging them close. The sky overhead cleared, and birds began to sing again.

"We'll break this," Jay said, giving Anne a comforting hug.

"But she said-"

"And she only said that, to make herself feel better. He's only one year old Anne, he has time."

Anne nodded, sniffing. "Let's go inside," she said, standing up with Harry in her arms. Jay stood as well, lifting up Louis.

"Meow," Harry said, reaching for Louis.

The two Queens laughed at his antics, almost forgetting all that had happened.


Cursed // Larry Stylinson // Royalty AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن