"Hanna, no one will find out." I say.

"Farah, all eyes are now gonna be on you because you are technically the future Luna. You really think you're gonna blend in like you normally do?"

I raised my hands at her in despair. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"I just want you to be careful...please?"

   I shook my head in agreement before looking up at the ceiling trying to distract myself from thinking of recent events.

"What about Xavier?" Hanna says causing my heart to drop.

"What about him?" I question her.

"How is he feeling about this? He tried to claim you for years and suddenly he's just found out that you are mated to an Alpha. Alpha Adonis has not only the title Xavier always wanted but he has...you."

I sighed really not feeling well enough to talk about this.

"I'm gonna get some sleep," I told her gently. "I'll talk to him tomorrow morning."

That is if I could work up enough courage to talk to him.

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   I looked at the wooden door with severe anxiety running through my core. My hand shook as I brought my knuckles to the door knocking gently. I waited for what felt like minutes and I soon lost track of time as my mind spun. Shame covered my body as I continued to wait and I found myself leaving.

   That is until the door slowly opened and Xavier's frame was revealed to me. His eyes were lazy and his chest bare. His grey sweats hung low around his waist as if he had just quickly put them on. He looked at me for a minute before his brown eyes narrowed at me.

"Can I help you?" He almost barked.

I grew timid but I took a soft breath. "Hey—I just—I just wanted to check if you were okay."

Xavier showed off an amused smile before his face went static once again. "You are quite something. You don't know when to quit..."

I scrunched up my nose in confusion. "Quit, what?"

   Before he could answer me a young woman with long jet black hair and the bluest eyes peers through the doorway getting a glance at me before turning to Xavier with a chuckle. She was in a baby pink satin robe and her hair seemed messy as if she had just gotten out of bed.

I've seen this woman before. The last I've seen of her was a couple of days ago when she was clinging to Adonis like he was her last breath.

I bit my lip feeling the awkwardness further brewing itself into this conversation.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked.

   I watch as the young woman kisses Xavier on the cheek before her bright eyes looked at me with indifference.

"No, actually we're done here." The woman says before walking out the door and heading down the hall. I watched her walking so effortlessly in her slippers with a duffle bag which I am assuming had her clothes inside.

I looked back at Xavier's brown eyes and for a split second, I saw compassion and sadness lurking in them. I smiled at him and I looked to the floor.

"I'm sorry," I said humbly. "I'm so sorry. I lied and that was wrong. I have no excuse for lying to you, but I just want you to know that not everything was in my control. We're fated, Xavier. Alpha Adonis and I are fated mates. I don't get to make a choice like others and I certainly can't help how I feel. I should have let you know. I should have had the decency to let you know what was going on."

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