◕ 6. WILD

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A d o n i s ◕ R e f e r r o  

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A d o n i s R e f e r r o  

   MY LOUD HOWLS echoed through the night as I pumped my legs in my wolf form throughout the forest. The faster I went, the more powerful the Alpha in me felt, as if I was in my true embodiment.

   Farah's intoxicating scent was all I could think about in my mind though. Her calm cool breathing, her beautiful lips and eyes, her sexy voice had this aggressive influence on me.


  I thought to myself. I was hungry for her and it had only been about two days since I integrated her pack.

   Running was the only thing that allowed me to focus on others things, that allowed me to feel more like an Alpha in control.

   My speed, my build, and my agility were all things that other wolves could not replicate. It was the uniqueness built into each Alpha; a form of natural selection to help us defend and protect our families and packs.

    A midst of a familiar sent fills my nose causing me to be more alert towards my surroundings. The vanilla aroma seduces my nose making me fall vulnerable to whatever was present. I knew that smell. I knew that smell very well.

  I slowed my speed and turned the opposite direction. The soft crackling of the twigs that decorated the grass heightened my senses once again.

   Farah's grey eyes peered over to my direction but they did not catch me. She turned away slowly, her legs knee deep in the lake a few feet away.

   She looked as if she was waiting for someone and the thought of that killed me. It was probably that warrior I always saw her with.

A burning sensation erupted in my chest causing me to groan in restrained agony.

"Who's there?" Her voice rang. "Come out! Before I find you myself,"

If it weren't for the pain, I would have chuckled at her threat. I wanted to reveal myself but I couldn't not allow her to see me like this.

So I turned away and using my alpha agility, I disappeared.

So I turned away and using my alpha agility, I disappeared

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