Chapter 31: The Beach

Start from the beginning

"Are you tired? We could stop and go and rest a little."

"No no, let's go again. This is really fun."

"If you say so",he laughed as I started running with my kite again and he followed. He stopped running and I noticed they were two toy shovels in the sand. I raised an eyebrow

What is he going to do?

"How low can you go?!!" He screamed and started digging.

Oh Lord

I laughed at his childishness but took the second shovel and started digging too

He was digging deeper. He had about a five second headstart so of course he would dig deeper and he was undoubtedly faster and stronger than me.

I decided to give up when it was obvious he was winning.

"Okay okay,you win. I give up."

"Yes!!" He did a hulk smash on the ground and beat his chest like a caveman.

I laughed so hard, clearly amazed at how childish this muscular teenager really is.

"Okay okay, you've won. Let's go back to the car. I'm tired now."

"No problemo", he was still super excited,it made me shake my head.

"So, should we eat now? It's almost noon and I have to get you home by 2pm."

"Sounds good but I was thinking we should swim a little before we eat. Don't you think?"

"Well, okay then. If that's what you want to do,your wish is my command, your majesty."

"Oh please",we both laughed and I shouted. "Race you to the water!"

"Seriously?",he run after me and we made a splash when we were inside the water.

We swam around in the shallow end and after a while went back to the shore where they waves still got to and played around in the mud, making footprints and running after each other.

At a point,he cracked a joke and we were laughing so hard. Suddenly,we both stopped laughing and I could feel this tension between us. He walked towards me and I started to panic.

I know exactly what he wants to do. I can't allow him to. He's just a friend,if I allow him, he'll start thinking he has a chance which he doesn't.

He moved closer and closer and closed the space between us.



He ignored me and leaned even closer.

My heart was beating as I felt his breath over my forehead and moving down to my nose.

As he got to my lips,I took it as my cue to push him away so I turned my face so my cheek faced him and moved two steps back.

I know it hurt him but I can't give him hope when I know I feel nothing for him. It'll just crush him even more.

"Kingsley, I'm sorry but I can't...we can't.... I see you as a friend and nothing more. I don't want to lead you on and just end up hurting you."

"I....I understand. You told me already that you don't have any feelings for me so I'm sorry for trying to force myself on you.And thanks for your honesty, I appreciate it",he was hurt,I knew but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

"Um,are you hungry? I'm hungry. Let's go and eat",he diverted the topic from what almost happened between us before I could even say anything back and I couldn't be more grateful.

"Yeah,sure. I guess I'm hungry too."

He had packed chicken wraps, some pasta salad,tuna sandwiches and four smoothies.

Just wonderful

As we ate,we talked about ourselves. I found out he loves music and he sings. He plays the piano and guitar as well,that was really cool. He promised to sing me a song one day. I also found out he was a twin and he had two sisters,but his twin brother passed when they were younger. I didn't think it was appropriate for him to tell me since I'm pretty much still a stranger to him and I rejected him less than an hour ago but he still did and I guess I should be glad he trusted me so much to tell me about something as sensitive as this.

I also told him about myself,my hobbies,how it was like growing up an only child and stuff like that.

Before we knew it,it was a few minutes past 1pm and he had to take me home.

I changed back into the clothes I was wearing when I left the house as he packed up and cleared the area we sat. By the time I came out of the changing cabin,he was set and we left the beach.

We got to my house in about thirty minutes with just a few minutes left to 2 pm

He held my tote bag for me as we walked to the front door. He went in with me so he could thank my dad for allowing me to go out with him. He seemed to impress my father, maybe he had a charm. First,it was my mom and now my father. I have to ask him how he does it.

I walked him to the front door as he was leaving and when we were out I said to him,

"I really really enjoyed today. I had loads of fun and I don't remember the last time I had such fun. Memories of Britney's party came flooding in my mind but I shook them all off and continued. I'm glad I went on this date with you and I'm sorry for that little incident that....",he cut me off

"Don't worry about that,it was actually my fault. And it was my pleasure taking you out,I had fun as well. And I have nothing against you. You're just doing what's best for both of us but I just want you to know,I still have feelings for you Kayra and I'll always be there if you ever need my help."

Then he kissed my cheek leaving me speechless.

"Goodbye Kayra. See you hopefully on Monday. Take care."

I watched him get into his convertible,pull out of my driveway and drive off.

Just as I was about to go inside,my eye caught the sight of Jayson looking at me from his window.

Is he spying on me? But why would he do that?

Wait a minute,did he see what Kingsley did? Why does it even matter? What happened happened,if Jayson saw,what does it change?

I waved at him knowing very well he won't wave back. When he didn't,I sighed and went inside to the comfort of my home.


Heyyy this was a kinda long chapter 👉👈😅.
Anyway,I hoped y'all liked it. And about that little stunt Kingsley tried to pull there,what the heck was that?🤦....and Jayson is also being creepy😐..... well,let's see what happens next;-)

Thanks for reading

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Love y'all xxx


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