CH 2 We're never apart, We're always together

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3RD Person POV

You were now in the vehicle, Heading too the hospital your mother is located, Your sister was asleep and Belfast was looking out the window of the car, Wales and KGV were in the fronts seats, Wales was driving, Roon and Akagi are at the back seats.

" Take a nap master, The hospital your mother is in is quit far. " Belfast said with her normal elegant voice.

" Alright " You said, You close your eyes and lay your head on Belfast shoulder.

In just a couple seconds you are dead asleep, But you started having a nightmare.

Belfast decided too sing him a lullaby.

later everyone was dead asleep, Apart from Belfast and Wales

" Looks like everyone fell asleep. " Belfast said

" You should go too sleep as well Belfast, Is still quit far. " Wales said

" Alright, Wake me up when we get there. " Belfast said

and with that she went too sleep


" He's so handsome like his father. " Atago said

" Atago, Calm down " A girl with a kimono said.

" I'm telling you Taihou, He's so handsome! " Atago said with a cheerful voice tone.

" Well I can't wait too see him myself then~ " Taihou said with a seductive tone.

" You'll love him, Although he isn't really social " Atago said.

" Is he having any issues at school, Is anyone bothering him? " Taihou said with a murderous tone.

" Some kids started beating him up but we scared them off. " Atago said.

" Oh really, I think I might have a chat with those kids. " Taihou said.

" I wouldn't mind talking too there parents. " A women with black hair said.

" I would like the extra support, Thanks FDG. " Taihou said.

" Anytime, What sort of mother would I be, After she did told me..." She pulls out folded paper " Too become their mother when she dies, Is the only thing I can do too pay back what their parents done for us. " FDG said.

" We're gonna need too tell him the truth sooner or later though. " Atago said.

" What the sirens did was unforgiveable, They were the reason why...." Taihou stopped, She trying too calm down.

" Let's change the subject, Now sense we're able too go too a human high school, We're able too learn what the humans learn, It's beneficial too us and we should use this chance too learn about human society. " Atago said.

" You have a good point, let's use this moment too learn and we can as well help Y/N and her sister. " Taihou said.

" Alright, Now let's go Taihou, We have work too take care off. " FDG said.

" Alright " Taihou said.

" See you later then. " Atago said.

Then they went on there marry way, back too Y/N.

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